The Mamata Banerjee government has been giving threats to the founder and co-founder of OpIndia as they have been covering minute details of what has been happening in Bengal. They have stood with rape victims during the Bengal violence as well. In the past, there were 3 FIRs filed against OpIndia. Nupur Sharma’s husband was also interrogated though he has nothing to do with OpIndia. The supreme court intervened to stay those malicious FIRs. The 4th FIR filed against them is being investigated by the Bengal CID.
While these events were taking place, Nupur Sharma and her family were in West Bengal – due to the security at stake Nupur Sharma took to Twitter and announced that she wasn’t going to stay in Bengal anymore due to the fascism being done by the TMC.
How could a political party cause hindrance to the media? So does this prove that the media doesn’t have freedom of speech in Bengal? A citizen is being forced to leave Bengal due to the oppression of the Bengal govt! Shame on them!
As these events take place, the people of India stand in solidarity with nupur and team opindia!! We can’t imagine what they’re going through but the least we can do is to support them during tough times. As I speak on the behalf of the people of this country, I hope that the judiciary stands with the truth always.
Please do support OpIndia by donating whatever little you can as they fight for justice just for speaking the truth.