Yogi Adiyanath on March 20th became the first BJP Chief Minister of UP to complete 3 years in office. When he first took oath people felt that Modi has appointed one more of his version but with saffron robes. While the BJP/RW supporters felt it was a great choice the other side announced that UP will be finished due to the supposedly communal appointment. They prophesized that there will be communal riots, law and order break down, no development etc.
3 years on Yogi has turned to be a man of his own. While still under the shadow of PM Modi he is creating his own brand/image. His welfare and development policies, honest actions (does what he says), excellent communication skills and agility (swiftness in thinking) is definitely positioning him for the top leadership position in the future. He has made himself acceptable to the country with his all-round performance. Every decision of his has an element of surprise.
Uttar Pradesh which has the highest density of population in the country poses a serious challenge in tackling Corona. With about 970 cases as of April 18th seems to be in control of the situation. Yogi’s actions since lock down are commendable for he took care of people welfare, creating jobs through MNREG in agriculture sector and at the same time empowering police to drive law and order.
His decision yesterday of moving 7000 students from Kota, Rajasthan to their home state took every one by surprise. Apparently there was online activity by these students asking for help and here comes the help. Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar comments looked sheepish. He should have kept quiet if he could not take his state students back. Of course there is an element of risk in Yogi’s action but he is clear in his mind that risk taken is better under the circumstances. There is as much risk of contracting the virus in a cramped hostel room.
His action of moving migrant UP labor from Anand Vihar was timely and shows his quick thinking. AAP govt in Delhi could not provide food and shelter to these labor who were left to fend for themselves. Though there was blame game it was clear APP govt did not get points for the poor handling of this issue.
His promise of delivering vegetables, milk and essentials to 23cr people at their door steps shows his ability to scale and at the same time taking stringent actions against violators shows his determination to be in control of the situation. The Moradabad incident on April 16th where there was stone pelting on health workers, 17 were arrested including Seven Women on the same day after a 3 am hearing. Don’t mess with this man. If India needs clean up it should start from UP and we have the right man there.