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Significance of number 14, Karnataka politics and Rama rajya of BJP

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At last the 14 month long misrule by unholy alliance of JDS-Congress has come to an end in Karnataka and BJP has come to power. When we refer the number 14, it has indeed great significance as the importance of the number 14 is mentioned in Ramayana as well.

Kaikeyi demanded Dasaratha that Ram should be sent to forest for 14 years and her son Bharat should be coronated as king of Ayodhya. Although Ram has done several fetes during this period but still Aranyakanda is quite horrible to human comprehension from emotional stand point.

Similar to the 14 years of Aranyakanda, JDS-Congress rule in Karnataka for the last 14 months was quite horrible, facing everyday death, often had to witness the perennial tears of the then Chief Minister and JDS co-owner HD Kumarasamy, accusing JDS alliance as a reason for the poll defeat by Veerapa Moily of congress party, rampant corruption, mal governance etc., were only existing in Karnataka during the 14 month long governance of the above unholy alliance.

The unholy alliance in expressions looks like has made the state as its ATM with the only difference that there is no daily limit for withdrawal. After 14 months, the misrule has come to an end and Mr. Yediyurappa the representative of good and corruption free governance of Modi at the centre has sworn in as chief minister of the state indicating the return of Ram rajya in Karnataka.

BJP must give priority for good governance and must quickly integrate the state with the one India ethos of India so that the state is developed at supra-sonic speed to compensate the great loss of time and resources the state had lost due to the mal-governance of JDS- congress unholy alliance.

In letter and spirit, BJP must showcase Ram rajya in Karnataka so that people of the state will always keep the reference of JDS-congress government as the reference point for the worst government and worst governance. Only through good and corruption free governance, only through governance focused on development and sab ka vikas, governance dedicated to integrate people of all religion through the great cultural renaissance of Hinduism, the lost confidence of people can be gained.

Stability, decisiveness, development, governance free of nepotism and dynastic politics the state is yawning in the last 14 months. People of the state would have realized the truth that if they give fractured mandate how such mandates can ruin the state and how such fractured mandates can bring unholy alliance partners to come to power and destroy the state.

The JDS-congress government should be the last experiment of coalition government by tukede tukede gags in India. BJP alone can give good governance free of corruption, nepotism, dynastic politics and at the same time, can ensure national security as well. By having BJP government in Karnataka, the state would stands to benefit in all frontiers.

Karnataka must remember the deep wound inflicted by JDS congress alliance and must keep both these parties away from power at least for another 15 years. Only when people remember and recollect all such horrible politics played by JDS and congress during the voting in future, they can save the state.

The task ahead for Yediyurappa is herculean and considering his old age, how he is going accomplish all such tasks really cause concern to everyone. However his willpower and fighting spirit to save the state from the misrule and self-destruction due to JDS and cogress needs global appreciation.

The administration in Karnataka is in rumbles like how Japan was after Tsunami. BJP must work overtime to bring the state from the brink of destruction due to JDS-congress government. Governance, governance and governance alone shall save the state and help people of the state to understand why they should eliminate JDS and congress from the state politics at least for another 15 years.

People of Karnataka must pledge their unconditional support to Modi and BJP to save the state and make India a great country. Let us eliminate all tukde tukde gangs and dynastic forces forming coalition government by taking advantage of fractured mandate and ruin the state and spread dynastic politics.

S Ranganathan

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