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Citizenship Bill- A must for Indians to live in dignity and freedom: Hail Modi Govt.

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Narendra Modi ever since came to power in 2014 started to focus on development, sab ka vikas and upliftment of the most neglected people in India over 70 years of misrule of the dynasty. To ensure right place to live with dignity and freedom, he introduced a bill seeking to amend the Citizenship (Amendment) act, 1955 to grant Indian citizenship to several non-Muslim Indians such as Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians who were subjected to religious persecution by the Islamic countries such as Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afganistan. As a result of such religious persecution, several people like Buddhist, Jain, Parsis, Hindu, Sikh and Christian were beaten to flee to India.

The new bill is aimed to protect all those immigrants who entered India before December 31, 2014 and have spent minimum of 6 years in India.

Congress has never shown any importance and human worth to non-Muslim immigrants of religious persecution, after partition. Narendra Modi was the first Indian leader to show commitment to protect the right and dignity of all those non-Muslim Indians because India was their birth land. But this initiative of PM Modi has caused serious worry to several politicians who are banking on Muslin vote bank. For example, Muslims account for 34 per cent of Assam’s population and are in majority in 11/33 districts.

Similarly, the population of Muslims, especially the illegal immigrants account huge vote bank for several political parties in West Bengal. Naturally all those political parties who are surviving on Muslin vote bank politics do not want non-Muslim population in their territory that might threat their political existence as they fear that the persecuted non- Muslim Indians may vote for PM Modi. Because of such fear they oppose the citizenship of all those non-Muslim Indians and are spreading fear and lies in the society.

The fear of Mamata Banerjee is that already the Hindus in West Bengal have shifted their allegiance to BJP because of violence and atrocities of TMC and the associated corruption. Therefore, Mamata fears the worst loss due to the genuine intentions of the Prime Minister Modi to grant citizenship to all those non-Muslim Indians who were subjected to religious persecution by Islamic states such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afganisthan. The main objective of TMC and other opposition parties are that Narendra Modi should not come to power because he will develop the nation and will ensure sub ka vikas.

In Assam, several fringe groups oppose Citizenship bill by citing that the present move violate the Assam Accord of 1985 and NRC. As per the Assam Accord which was agreed by Rajiv Gandhi government that all illegal Bangladeshi immigrants migrated to Assam after March 24, 1971 will be identified and deported. Recently NRC has been updated by Modi government. Unfortunately the fringe political forces in Assam does not want to accept the fact that non-Muslims migrated to India are not immigrants as India was their original mother land and Muslims are only the real immigrants. Therefore it is the duty and responsibility of India to grant citizenship to all Indians who suffered religious persecution from Islamic states and they include Christian, Sikh, Parsis, Buddhist, Jain, Hindus etc. Muslims can be deported to their Islamic states but where else the non-Muslim Indians would go other than India.

In order to oppose the bill, the fringe players are spreading lies and confuse people that if the bill is passed, nearly two crore Bengali Hindus would migrate to Assam from Bangladesh which is an utter lie. It is also needs to be understood that once the bill is passed, all those granted citizenship will not automatically become Assamese therefore the ground truth is that Assamese at large are not concerned about the bill which was well reflected in the Panchayat election held in December where BJP swept power and pushed the congress party to distant second. The government of Assam may constitute a committee to define ‘Assamese’ to avoid unnecessary confusion. Like in Northeast, Assam also may seek special status under Article 371 which denies jobs, facilities and political space for outsiders.

In true sense, the intent and initiative of PM Modi to bring Citizenship bill to all non-Muslim Indians who were persecuted by Islamic countries post partition must be supported and appreciated. But the political parties known to play Muslim vote bank politics and minority appeasement politics are finding their ground shaky due to the new initiative. Where else non-Muslim Indians would go? The illegal Muslim immigrants can be pushed back to their respective Islamic countries but for the non-Muslims, India must welcome and give space to live with dignity and freedom.

Indians must understand the truth and must support Narendra Modi in 2019 to develop India and ensure sab ka vikas.

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