A couple of days ago, a student of Delhi University, Gurmehar Kaur, uploaded a photo on Facebook intending to begin some kind of campaign against ABVP following the well publicized fracas at Ramjas College. The liberal media sensed an amazing opportunity in the fact that Ms. Kaur happens to be the daughter of one of our brave soldiers martyred in Kargil.
Here was an opportunity for the media to talk about the “daughter of a Kargil martyr” which is several orders of magnitude more effective than “son of a headmaster”. The media fell over each other to report that her post against the ABVP has gone viral. Here is a screenshot from a simple Google News search to give an estimate of the extent to which she was promoted.
Whoa! 1.66 lakh results for this! And look at all the headlines of all the news houses reporting on this story. Suffice to say that liberal celebrities on Twitter began to relentlessly promote Ms. Kaur.
She is expecting much better luck with this story than the time she spoke about the “son of a headmaster”. You can see the relief in her repeated tweets :
The Troll in Chief was not far behind.
From Barkha Dutt to Arvind Kejriwal, the entire leftie brigade on Twitter created a frenzy to promote Ms. Gurmehar Kaur and her post against ABVP. So much so, that when some people tried to disagree with Ms. Kaur, prominent tweeple began to abuse and spread offensive stereotypes about their regional background. So much for the “idea of India”.
What is amazing is that other liberal celebrities actually stepped in to defend Rana Ayyub’s pure prejudice against an individual based on where he was born.
With this frenzied level of promotion on social media, Ms. Gurmehar’s post going viral had to be a self fulfilling prophecy.
So, how “viral” was this post they are all talking about? Let’s check the number of Facebook shares.
That’s it? Only a little over 3000 shares? With all those zillions of news articles churned out all over the web telling us how “viral” her campaign has gone? With all those liberal twittter celebrities relentlessly promoting, those interviews on NDTV … and still a measly 3000 shares. Ha!
For comparison, our own Opindia posted an article on Saturday night by the brother of a martyr in support of ABVP.
Let’s find out how Opindia’s post is doing. I scrolled down and here are the latest figures at the bottom.
Whoa! That’s 24000 shares on Facebook. That’s like 8 times as much as the reach of the so called “viral” post by Ms. Gurmehar Kaur. Not to mention that Opindia’s article came a good 3 days after Ms. Gurmehar Kaur published her post. So whose campaign is really going “viral”?
What’s happening here?
Here is a simple explanation. The media can make all the noise it wants, but it seems the general public has accepted the premise that the media is inherently anti-Hindu. The liberals can go around screaming in their echo chamber thinking they are making a huge impact, but the ground reality is that people have now developed a defense mechanism.
The media still believes … or likes to believe that people are happy to drink straight out of their propaganda tap. But for the public, media has become like tap water; they know it’s full of disease causing lies. They prefer to use a water purifier. And liberal propaganda is at the risk of getting filtered out.