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Shreshtha Bharat is possibile only when NDA Comes To Power

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Indian. Nationalist Living in USA Uttah since 2002. Single Mother. Engineering Electromechanical Consultant MC Engineering Company, Salt Lake City, Utah

Yes! Shreshtha Bharat aka Ache Din will come only when NDA Comes To Power

During the election campaigning, the Prime Ministerial candidate of NDA Narendra Modi coined the slogan in Hindi, “Ache Din Aane Wale Hain”  which literally translates into a prosperous future is in store for India if BJP+ comes into power. But, unfortunately, NDA still is not in complete power. And we will find out why? But, before that let’s understand what is Ache Din?

For an aam aadmi like you and me  what could be the Ache Din? What a country needs to keep its citizens happy and prosperous? In short, Ache Din would mean the following –

What a country needs to keep its citizens happy and prosperous? In short, Ache Din would mean the following –

    1. Living in a pollution-free environment which means developing Smart Cities.
    2. Have super-fast bullet trains that reduce the travel time between two cities and promote trade.
    3. Provide support to farmers with initiatives that double their income instead of offering those Loan Waiver Schemes. The agenda behind this is to make them self-reliant and help them come out from the clutches of poverty. Making this happen to them would mean Ache Din has come to them.
    4. People today are grappling with high prices due to which rich is becoming richer and poor poorer. Parity amongst all classes can come only when prices come down to acceptable levels. Ache Din would mean access to the three basic necessities of life – roti, kapda aur makaan.
    5. Look around and you’ll find yourself living around a big trash. Ache Din would mean living in a healthy and clean India.
    6. India is a diverse and plural country with mix faiths and ethnicities. The social fabric of this vulnerable nation needs to be protected so that Ache Din to our generations to come can mean living in a peaceful India.
    7. Have you seen the demographics the world over? Look beyond the Indian sphere and you will realize that India has the youngest demography which will help in making it a powerful India.
    8. 2G Spectrum Scam! Coal Scam! CWG Scam! Cash for Vote Scam! Tatra Truck Scam! Adarsh Scam! The list is endless! The money-making corrupt politicians deposit their black money in Swiss Bank Accounts through Havala Traders and loot the taxpayer’s hard-earned money in the name of development. Oh! That reminds me of THE FAMOUS HAWALA SCAM! Ache Din envisages a corruption-free India.
    9. Though women in India can be seen in different sectors in the country, still a lot needs to be done to empower and uplift this section of the society.
    10. Ever been to UP or Bihar? Just travel on the road with your mobile phone in hand and see the magic; it won’t last long with you. Yes! Because looters have already snatched it away from your hand. Dare to protest? They will come with local rifles to scare you. The criminal activities are spreading in the country like the Dengue fever. The main reason can be attributed to O% employment generation in the past decade. To make this place livable, it needs to be crime-free and the police to person ratio should be 1:100. When this happens, that will be Ache Din.
    11. Good health and economy go hand-in-hand. When people stay healthy, they are more productive. So, India can become incredible only when the last corner of this land receives affordable healthcare and clean water supply.
    12. Youth is the future of this country and efforts should be made to provide them free education up to the University Level.
    13. Visit a clinic here and the doctor will hand you a list of unwanted expensive diagnostics and a complete list of medication which may or may not be needed. True! This is the pathetic state of medical sector in India. The aam junta’s hard-earned money is used up in accessing healthcare. Creating an atmosphere so that people can have free healthcare is the mission of Ache Din.
    14. Ever got the opportunity to see the mice fed mid-day meals in school for children? Or ever visited a rural man’s home? You’ll come to know how difficult it is to procure meal twice a day. Ache Din aims at providing quality economical food for all.
    15. As stated earlier, the manufacturing sector in the last decade saw negligible rise due to which there were practically no jobs and the employable youth indulged in criminal activities. So, Ache Din will come only when there will be jobs for all.
  • India is far behind its western counterparts in R&D because hardly any funds are made available for developing scientific temper. Ache Din will encourage new innovation in space sciences, technology etc.
  • For a corruption-free India, all administrative tasks should be simple and transparent.
  • A hard fact is that the majority of the Indian population lives below the poverty line and is forced to stay in clustered houses which do not have proper sanitation facilities. Ache Din would mean that every individual will have a house that can be called HIS HOME.
  • Criminals today get away easily because there is hardly any stringent punishment to the law-breaker and often times the trial goes on for years. Justice Delayed is Justice Denied! The arrival of Ache Din would mean only when speedier verdict is given.
  • This and all coming generation can see Ache Din only when we have a UNITED INDIA with one rule one country.
  • India’s rich cultural heritage is long forgotten. It is time to look back and revive and promote Ancient Indian Culture and Language.

If you agree this is the Ache Din, it is very much possible to bring Ache Din to India, but only when BJP+ comes to power.

In the past decade, people have suffered adversely due to the misrule of the previous government. In fact, a large chunk of the time-frame has seen this government ruling on our nation. The Preamble of India declares India to be a democratic state. But, what really is a democracy?

In a democratic system, the authority of the government rests with the people of the nation. They elect representatives in every five years to rule on their behalf. But, there is a palpable anger at the politicians for failing miserably in governance. Democracy, as originally envisaged, “Of the people, by the people and for the people” has now become more about the survival of politicians. For effective working of a nation, democracy, in principle, cannot bring change. It needs four pillars for effective functioning. But, over a period of time, these four tenets have been excessively misused by a few “self-proclaimed rulers” who have changed the way these should function.

  • Legislature: Though it consists of the two houses of Parliament but today it is embodied as a non-functioning Parliament.
  • Executive: In previous years, the power was vested in a single individual from whom even the PM took orders. Left liberal influenced Babus today used to the past corrupt practice unwilling to support the new government, 
  • Judiciary: The Indian courts are characterized as corrupt and slow in giving verdicts. It is over-burdened with the backlog.
  • Press: Finally, we have a press that has “excessive” freedom of speech (Ever wondered why China is still ahead of India?). Being run by political parties and business conglomerates, they are besotted with covering any and every political drama. Construing and misconstruing statements are what they really do instead of reporting facts.

What Went Wrong?

Congress (or in alliance with other parties) have ruled this nation approximately for six decades and in the course of time, they have practically started to think themselves as The Divine Rulers of This Kingdom. No one, just no one, can ever mess with their stronghold. But, as we can see, it has not only failed miserably, it was also unable to bring any considerable change in the last six decades.

Why Congress (or UPA) Failed To Bring That “CHANGE”?

  1. Instead of making the agrarian community self-reliant, it always spoke of ways of eradicating poverty with campaigns like “Garibi Hatao.”
  2. To stay in power, they purposely did not bring a radical change in rural areas and they kept a high level of population poor and illiterate.
  3. Being for a majority of the time in power, they have intelligently manipulated all the pillars of democracy which have raised the levels of corruption. Each time, a scam is unearthed, each time they easily got away with.
  4. Supporting large business houses and seeking funds in return is their main agenda. They encourage crony capitalism and have succeeded in creating a nexus between politics and trade.
  5. They are dangerously rooted in every corner of the administrative machinery thereby created a dangerous ecosystem.
  6. The Congress party is really hoping to capitalize from the ongoing events that unfolded in Jawaharlal Nehru University and Jadavpur University in unison with MSM. Since the current government hardly gives them any chance of a controversy, they thought this incident to be an ideal “political” scenario. They try their best to obstruct the functioning of this government.

Change That BJP (or NDA) Aspires to Bring

  1. The way they are working day in and day out, we can expect Ache Din to come soon.
  2. One of the major drawbacks in the last General Elections is that the NDA got majority only in the Lok Sabha. Owing to lack of numbers in Rajya Sabha, it becomes difficult for the government to pass any legislation. The opposition never misses a chance to disrupt the proceedings of the House. The video below is self-explanatory.

A Gruesome murder of Democracy

Where you can see both Congrupts and Commi use the strategy to just shoot and scoot!

And Why do they do this? Check the second video below, which is self explanatory, simple blackmail strategy if you arrest my daughter for her treason, we will not allow the parliament to function.

  1. Britishers left this nation way back in 1947 only to be ruled by an Italian! To make their presence strong and deep-rooted, they have bribed bureaucrats, appointed loyalists in the judicial ranks who never pass a verdict against them. The whole administrative fabric is “Congress-infested” just the way a termite infests wood.
  2. In the name of freedom of speech and expression, the left-liberal dominated media disseminates false news which is factually and partially correct most of the times. TRP is the mantra now! In the name of showing BREAKING NEWS, they distort the narrative to part with their political ideologues.
  3. Indian history textbooks contain utter crap! You can realize the way  these books would’ve been written. These are just “a Congress trumpet” because the party has ruled the nation for such a long time. They will not show the clear picture. The most hilarious were when Rahul Gandhi was compared to the likes of M.K. Gandhi and Nehru in a Class V English textbook. Imagine the state of literature that is being produced in the temple of learning. Our Kids are just forced to study about Sikular celebrated genius and open letter Specialist such as Barkha Dutt, but also

Lesson like this for 6th Standard student indirectly urging him to convert to Islam as there is no equality in Hinduism

6th Standard syllabus in India, states, hindus converted to Islam because inequality
6th Standard syllabus in India, states, hindus converted to Islam because inequality
Hinduism to Islam
Equality in Islam world know, this is where Hindu kids are urged to convert

True, communalism destroys the social fabric, so why not bring a uniform civil code?

Want to see Ache Din? Bring NDA in the majority both in Lok and Rajya sabha so that they work uninterrupted. INDIA desperately needs a radical change – change in the outdated Constitution, change in laws, and a drastic change in the corrupt judiciary, bureaucracy, and Media.

Hence, we need to bring NDA to power, truly in power wherein we bring Narendra Modi as Prime minister of the people, by the people and for the people.


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Indian. Nationalist Living in USA Uttah since 2002. Single Mother. Engineering Electromechanical Consultant MC Engineering Company, Salt Lake City, Utah
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