Saturday, July 27, 2024


minority appeasement is Indian Secularism

Riot and intelligentsia of India

The response to a riot is messed up in our country. The Indic Wing have a bigger responsibility.

कोरोना वैक्सीन और सेकुलर मित्र

इस्लाम नहीं मानता कि पृथ्वी गोल है और सूर्य के चक्कर काटती है। किसी ने क्या कर लिया उनका, और क्या बिगड़ गया उनका ऐसा मानने से? पाकिस्तान में दोनों तरह की साइन्स पढ़ाई जाती है: पृथ्वी के गोल और सूर्य के चारो ओर घूमने वाली भी, और उसके चपटी और स्थिर होने वाली भी, जिसको जो मानना हो, माने। यह होता है असली लोकतन्त्र!

Why India has communal problem

Nehru and Congress could neither save non-Muslims of Pakistan & Bangladesh, nor could Indianise the descendants of Indian Muslim Leaguers. With development of leftist, liberal and secular Indian Hindus, who have been supporting Islamist cause, the situation has turned for the worse now.

How Congress-Islamist honeymoon in India backfired

Secularism, pluralism and inclusiveness have been anti-thesis of Islam since 1400 years. In India, Islamists cry overtly for Secularism, pluralism and inclusiveness only because of their numerical weakness. They neither believe nor practice those.

तुष्टिकरण की राजनीति से मुक्ति की और असम

असम सरकार ने हाल ही में घोषणा की है कि अगले माह यानी नवंबर में वो राज्य में राज्य संचालित सभी मदरसों और संस्कृत टोल्स या संस्कृत केंद्रों को बंद करने संबंधी एक अधिसूचना लाने जा रही है।

Aha! Secularism

We have been so deeply secular, sensitive and frightened at the same time out of our brethren in minority that most of the time, in the remote of my village we had to re-course and redesign the religious processions and ritual according to their comfort and convenience.

“UPSC Jihad”: A tale of ignominious judicial capriciousness

The Indian judiciary appears to lose all semblance of nuance so soon as the word, “minority” appears. This is yet another problem in the Hollow Republic of India — and I use that term after prodigious consideration.

Secularism – The Indian version

The country needs to wake up from this noxious religious opium which these parties are giving since the independence. Especially the liberal youth who try to prove everybody wrong, should start acting like real seculars instead of being some politically controlled puppets.

Ram Mandir Bhoomi Pujan- A step towards civilizational resurgence

The Ram mandir movement is civilizationally important as it brought in not only the mainstream Hindu voices but also many subaltern voices that did not have a voice in the broader national discourse. It is after a long time that people stood up for something casting aside their caste and even religious divisions.

Curious case of marginalisation of Hindus: A report on institutionalised discrimination against Hindu majority population by secular nation state of India.

Hindus who are religious minority in various states and union territories are not beneficiary of various schemes run by our secular govt despite their low representation in administration or their socio-economic backwardness in their respective states where they are religious minority.

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