Sunday, September 29, 2024


Freedom of Expression


जब-जब काम कुछ खास लोगों के मन मुताबिक नहीं हुआ इन लोगों ने संस्थानों को हीं कटघरे में खङा कर दिया। मीडिया भी इस चीज से अछूता नहीं रहा है। मीडिया में भी एक वर्ग ने खुद को इमानदार और बाकी को नए नए(गोदी मीडिया)शब्दों का प्रयोग कर के उनकी पत्रकारीता पर हीं सवाल करते हैं।

Law against fake news is need of the hour: Media can’t hide anymore behind the freedom of speech

Article 19.1.a b which deals with freedom of speech and expression is universally applicable to all the citizens, including journalists. There is no special provision under the constitution for freedom of speech to the media.

अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता की आड़ में चलता हिन्दू धर्म का अपमान

जिस हिन्दू धर्म ने इस राष्ट्र को एक धर्मनिरपेक्ष राष्ट्र बनाया, सर्वधर्म समावृत्ति की शिक्षा दी उसी धर्म के सम्मान की अव्हेलना कर देना इस देश में कहाँ तक उचित है? क्या समीक्षा एवं अपमान के बीच कोई विभाजन की रेखा नहीं बची अथवा कोई रेखा खींचना नहीं चाहता।

Right to Dissent- Repercussion with free speech

Sedition is big word, and to prove it is rather bigger and mightier task but we cannot pollute the essence of our constitution in name of free speech.

The jargon of free speech

Raising voice and making oneself heard is the right of every citizen, but adopting violence is not. The generation needs to understand the evil motive of the political parties and the repercussions they can face when they violate laws.

New normal

We as a society have tried to maintain false agenda just in order to maintain the sensitivity of communities which at one glance looks to be a great approach.

Jinxed freedom of press and the government of West Bengal

Right to freedom of expression has definitely been jinxed in Bengal, be it for a common man or a media person. Day by day the situation is getting worse and you can't do anything about it but to mourn in silence while tweets like this keep mocking you.

The far-left elements in Minneapolis and the anti-CAA fiascoes

The object of this post is to accentuate the similarities in both the fiascoes; the extant rioting in Minneapolis and the anti-CAA fiasco in India not too long ago.

Free speech is not a one way street

India's left needs to understand that trying to fill opponents with fear is not a good tactic, least of all in a constitutional democracy wherein free speech is a fundamental fight.

Who let the speech out?

In todays time we need to understand the value of freedom of speech. It is for everyone.

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