Friday, September 13, 2024
9 Articles by


Education and its issues in India

Indian traditional study has a greater dependence on assimilation of all the factors and hence education is holistic instead of giving preference on specialization.

Economics as it stands today

We will have to understand economics in right perspective as Arthshastra which originated in India. The primary focus of which was human happiness index and was largely successful for many centuries without huge recession.

Just random thoughts

All the hues and hoopla's of superiority over everyone with whom we share this planet's common resources is gone with a virus in place.

विश्व पटल पर छाना होगा

फिर नित नवीन कर्मों से ; प्रतिपल विश्व पटल को सजाना होगा; मंगल भवन बनाना होगा

Lets experience nothing

This lockdown has brought something which we all want to do. Relax.

Globalization: More of a threat than an opportunity?

Global dependence will always keep posing problems like this which will shake the very foundation of economics every time such things arise.

New normal

We as a society have tried to maintain false agenda just in order to maintain the sensitivity of communities which at one glance looks to be a great approach.

मैं भारत हूँ

मैं भारत हूँ राम का वंशज कृष्ण का अंशरज वेद पुराण उपनिषदों का ज्ञान

Why it is important to be Nupur and Ajeet at this time

hey have stuck their neck and are fighting a direct battle. A battle which is against established thuggery in history, economics, politics and all realms of life.

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