Fashion of abusing Hinduism
India’s forced identity crisis
From outside India appears to be a diverse country with multiculturalism at its maximum, but from within, we are hollow.
Frog in the boiling water: Dying Hinduism
India has been losing a part of herself, a part of her soul every time India was attacked, oppressed or Indians failed to decide. Don't be a Frog! Choose wisely while you still can, there might be a time where demographics would not let you choose.
Secularism, its origin, and why it is the most abused word in Independent India
yash2328 -
With the mood in the nation prior to independence pro-minority, Nehru got the opportunity to implement the colonial and Christianised concept in 1949, when he famously said: To talk of Hindu culture, would injure India's interests.
Sedition v/s hate speech law
People have not discussed about Hate Speech law which is often used to pamper Muslims and target Vedic Hinduism! Let us discuss history of Hate speech laws.
Yoga & Meditation: Laughed at and tarnished in India; recognised and valued in rest of the world
pravita -
All that being said, an important aspect of all these practices -- Yoga, Kalaripayattu, Ayurveda, Siddha etc. is their strong roots in vedanta and Hinduism.
क्या हमारी विविधता ही आज हम पर लांछन है?
आए दिन हिंदू मान्यताओं की ना सिर्फ़ मज़ाक उड़ाई जाती हैं बल्कि उनको पिछड़ा और नीचतम कह के उनकी इज़्ज़त भी उतरी जाती हैं: और इन सब में सुप्रीम कोर्ट भी सहभागी बन रही है
Spreading Hinduphobia: On the rise in the western countries
Several article published by major media houses in the western countries are maligning Hindus and India. This is my reply to a ignorant writer
Communism is against Indian Ethos
DeepakB -
The communists have been trying to peel away the Indian way of life, looking for similarities between the class struggles in Europe and conditions in India to fit their narrative and somehow gain legitimacy to survive.