Tuesday, October 1, 2024



‘Mind your language’ time for Amit Shah?

The minority Muslim community was by name excluded while others as Hindus, Sikhs, Budhists, Jains, Parsis and  Christians, were by name included. Could the naming names have been avoided to reach the same effect?

AAP as replacement of Left?

Left cannot even dream of winning elections in Delhi. But AAP say similar things with more strategy and without directly mocking Hindus.

Friendship between owl, rat, mongoose and cat cannot help India – Political message from Panchathantra story

Indian politics was like ‘wasteland’ in every sense. Modi has made it as cultivable land for several crops.

Delhi: 2015 vs 2020

With remaining 2 weeks left for campaigning it is not a wonder that it might be a repeat of 2015 election but with BJP as the front runner.

Disintegrate evil charmers in Indian politics, support Narendra Modi, save India

The intent of all those evil charmers is that somehow they want to attack Modi and Amit Shah so that all those evil charmers can have their way unquestioned or unchallenged.

Padma Shree Award to Adnan Sami – ‘Congress spider’ caught in own cobweb

Congress party is just interested only in abusing PM Modi and hence forgot its own history and past deeds and got thoroughly exposed.

क्या केजरीवाल दिल्ली के लिए उचित है?

अब आप स्वयं पिछले 2 सप्ताहों का नजारा देख लीजियेगा, दिल्ली की हवा पूरी तरह से बदल चुकी है। अब कोई भी व्यक्ति निश्चित तौर पर यह नही कह पा रहा कि केजरीवाल ही आएगा।

Congress can shatter the dream of AAP in Delhi, advantage BJP

The game-changer can be INC who will decide the future of AAP in Delhi. Since recent trends are showing that INC is gaining back its voter’s faith, it poses a serious threat to AAP.

Defeat ‘career protesters’ support Modi

Indian-ness we must promote and support and not the gene or DNA of Italy to rule our great land and ruin our cultural identity called Hinduism.

Mann Ki Baat, a powerful and unique communication tool

This initiative has led people all around the country to get a sense of involvement in the country's development, as the honorable PM touches upon various aspects of life in his radio show aired every month.

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