Monday, September 30, 2024



Indian National Congress (INC) Or Hindu Congress

Read this letter and its annexure, written by Md. Ali Jinnah to then British government before branding Congress a secular party.

‘Prince of Aragon disease’ of congress party

If the party continues to worship and venerate one family and without the family the party may perish, the party would soon end up as party of ‘gentlemen of leisure’.

Only wish of Sonia Gandhi

Instead of patriotism and nationalism, the party men largely express and exhibit Sonia-ism and dynasty-ism and that is why the party is degenerating day by day. 

Comparison between fall of Roman Empire and fall of congress party without dynasty culture

with the disintegration of congress party in India since 2014 and how the great dynast Raghul Gandhi is playing the role of Emperor Constantine of Rome in destroying the congress party in India.

Liberals continue to live in parallel universe: Ref: Justice Dananjay Yashwant Chandrachud‘s lecture on “Binding India together“

The lecture delivered by Mr. D.Y.C fits to a 'T' of a typical intellectual Liberal’s romantic fantasisation of an ideal liberalised democracy.

Chota Modi, Hauman Chalisa et al

Why Kejriwal is so important and why Delhi win is being blown out of proportions?

Sour Grapes Syndrome of Prashant Kishore, let us defeat Chameleon politics

The recent utterances of Prashant Kishore (PK) about Nitish Kumar and JDU are quite funny, fascinating and farcical. Prashant Kishore started his apprenticeship with...

Montek Singh Ahluwalia about the safety valve of corruption of UPA 2 and helpless Manmohan Singh

Motek Singh Ahluwalia has reiterated an important truth about how the safety valve fixed by the then UPA2 government to nullify the Supreme Court verdict on convicted lawmakers from contesting election has made Manmohan Singh look weak and helpless.

Kejriwal teaches tough lessons to Modi & Shah

Kejriwal had popular support where the votes mattered. Modi had populist appeal which did not sway the Aam Aadmi, as emotive appeals had a limit to their remit.

चमन चुरनों का असली दर्द बालाकोट का सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक है

चमन चुरनों का असली दर्द बालाकोट का सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक है. वरना जो सवाल पुलवामा को लेकर उठाये जाते हैं वही सवाल 26/11 और तमाम दूसरे आतंकवादी हमलों को लेकर हैं बल्कि वो सवाल और भी व्यापक हैं.

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