Monday, September 30, 2024



Unfortunate and tragic death in Delhi and violent Coup-d’état of constitution by minority view

Jinnawali Azadi, La illa illah allah, 15 crore Muslim will dominate 100 crore are very insensitive statements from the minorities. Same goes for the BJP leader to say that Muslims must go to Pakistan. Both are reprehensible

Is it the time for Modi to feed the liberal sharks? 

Even if Modi stands and delivers straight punches, upper cuts and the like, MSM can go to town with Modi’s ‘discomfiture and embarassmennt’ before the world.

दिल्ली दंगे- एक सुनियोजित हिन्दू नरसंहार और देश व सरकार को बदनाम करने का प्रयोग

सोचो, समझो, जागो, और प्रधानमंत्री मोदी के देशनिर्माण अभियान मे उनका सहयोग करो, जैसे और जिस जगह भी कर सकते हो। देश रहेगा तो हम रहेगें।

Support PM Modi to save India from ‘Wolf in sheep’s clothing’ politics

The anti-Indian elements tries to demean the great mission of Modi as religious partial-ism and anti-minority politics.

Give up hatred jibe of the dynast; has Shakespeare referred Raghul Gandhi in his work?

Has Shakespeare refereed Raghul Gandhi in his work Merchant of Venice? It is stated that the Devil too would quote scripture for its purpose through the below versus!

Duryodhana and Purochana failed to burn Lakshagriha, truth alone triumph, let us hail Modiji

Today India has realized at least at the speculation level, how the riot was commissioned to dismantle the peace and harmony in India so that the blame can be squirrely shifted to BJP.

Delhi’s Bermuda Triangle

Arvind Kejriwal sold a concept, an idea that says "we the common people of India are capable enough to understand the intricacies of the system; understand how different entities like different departments/authorities interact with each other" .

Lessons from Trumpland: Until the police arrive

Tribute to Veer Savarkar, a visionary who had called upon Hindus to militarize long ago. He had seen this predicament and knew that Hindus need to be militarized to survive against a bloodthirsty ideology after centuries of subjugation.

दिल्ली दंगे से अमित शाह बच निकले

इसे रोका जा सकता था यदि अमित शाह चाहते तब. पर इसके लिए उन्हें वो कदम उठाना पड़ता जो लोकतंत्र के लिए अच्छा नहीं होता. अमित शाह संविधान के अनुच्छेद 356 का प्रयोग कर सकते थे. मतलब राष्ट्रपति शासन.

Congress party of the dynast – ‘living fossil’ of corruption and divisive politics

P Chidambaram, Gulam Nabi Asad, Salman Khurshid, Jayaram Ramesh, Ahmed Patel, Motilal Vora etc., cannot see anyone other than the family or its members alone heading the congress.

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