Friday, September 13, 2024
4 Articles by


Assembly elections: It is in your hands for making historic change

this article is not for die hard party members or who had already made up their mind but for those young voters and others who have not made up their mind and open for different point of view.

Poor farmers fight to remain poor and vocal minority support in the guise of activism, democracy, politics, and hypocrisy

Opposition wants to make most of from these Misinformed/uninformed farmers who are opposing the Bill which by all means is for their betterment.

Common man’s view on solidarity

Should we move to the community spread stage we will reach unimaginable level of human destruction given India’s health infrastructure, public health support and general level of poverty and immense population.

Unfortunate and tragic death in Delhi and violent Coup-d’état of constitution by minority view

Jinnawali Azadi, La illa illah allah, 15 crore Muslim will dominate 100 crore are very insensitive statements from the minorities. Same goes for the BJP leader to say that Muslims must go to Pakistan. Both are reprehensible

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