Sunday, June 23, 2024


Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan

Towards a new world order

The tussle between Eagle, Dragon, Tiger and Bear known as world diplomacy. And the new world order establishing with time. Anaconda is the world's largest...

फाइनेंस मंत्री ने एमएसएमई के लिए खोला खजाना, जानिए प्रमुख बातें

पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी द्वारा घोषित राहत घोषणा “आत्मनिर्भर” पैकेज के बाद हालहीं में वित्त मंत्री श्रीमति निर्मला सीतारमण ने प्रेस-कॉफ्रेंस कर फिर से एसएमएमई को पेकैज प्रदान करने की बात कही है।

Corona: Lessons to learn

We as an Indian need to support and promote our own industries and businesses to change the socio economic scenario and create global footprints.

भारत का आत्मनिर्भर अभियान

जहां विश्व की राजनीति की बुनियाद बदली या बदलने की पूरी संभावना है, वहीं भारत का वैश्विक पटल पर बढ़ता हुआ कद हमें गौरान्वित कर रही है। आज हम उस भारत की बात कर रहें हैं, जहां हम आत्मनिर्भर बनने की राह में बहुत आगे निकल चुके हैं।

Modi and an Atmanirbhar Bharat are a match made in heaven

M Modi has had a track record of achieving it in Gujarat. A business-friendly government led by PM Modi combined with a low-corruption regime is the best shot we have got.

Is this a right time to reclaim Bharatavarsh being Atmanirbhar on the occasion of Sri Rajiv Dixit’s birth anniversary?

If Rajiv Dixitji was alive today, he would be happy about the present state of our country in the world. Bharat got a visionary leader who is working day and night to reclaim the glorious Bharat that is what Rajiv Dixitji was fighting for.

Migration and job creation

Here is reason- why migration is a way to job but one should attempt it only when there is no second option.

The new face of stakeholder capitalism during COVID-19 Pandemic

An important takeaway from the last annual meeting of the World Economic Forum held in Davos early this year was “stakeholder capitalism”.

India – the last impediment in China’s road to world dominance

The only country that stands a good chance against China is India, and China knows it too well to ignore it. That’s why during the UPA rule, China practically bribed the Gandhis to get India to join the RCEP negotiations and also tried to sign a free trade agreement (FTA) with China.

Govt. Mobile App challenge winner Memechat allegedly fire Hinduphobic Social Media Manager

Memechat might be fooling Hindus don't believe what they say until they post Mr. Akram's termination letter.

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