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The burden of illegal Bangladeshi in India

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As per 1951 census in Pakistan, West Pakistan had a population of 33.7 million and East Pakistan had a population of 42.0 million. In 1961, population of West Pakistan and East Pakistan became 43 and 50 million respectively. As is seen from the data, East Pakistan then had more population than West Pakistan.

This was the reason why East Pakistan based Awami League of Mujibur Rahman got majority seats in National Assembly of Pakistan in 1970 general elections, which helped him to stake the claim of PM of Pakistan. And rest was history.

But in 2021, the population became 231 and 169 million in Pakistan and Bangladesh (erstwhile East Pakistan) respectively. In absolute number there was an increase of 188 and 119 million population in Pakistan and Bangladesh respectively during past 60 years.

Thus, while Pakistan showed a population growth of 5.37 times in past 60 years, in case of Bangladesh it was a mere 3.38 times only during the same period. There was no apparent reason to explain this grossly less population-growth in Bangladesh vis-à-vis Pakistan during the period under consideration.

Bangladesh was to have at least 219 million people in 2021 in place of 119 million to give a believable demographic transitional understanding. The only reason for such disparity was the continuous illegal migration of about 100 million Bangladeshi to India during the past six decades.

The large-scale illegal migration of Bangladeshi to India, mainly via West Bengal (and to a lesser extent via Assam-Tripura), occurred during the Communist rule of the state from 1977 to 2011. Communists of the state were notorious for encouraging illegal immigration of Bangladeshi for vote-bank politics.

On 4 August 2005, Mamata Banerjee, the then TMC MP in the Parliament, tried to speak on the burning issue of Bangladeshi infiltrators in the state. Names of many of those infiltrators were included in the voter list. When she was refused time to speak by the Deputy Speaker, she threw papers at the Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha and started crying within Lok Sabha.

The same Mamata Banerjee came to power in the state during 2011 with Muslim votes and has been politically opposing CAA-NRC very bitterly. As a result, illegal Bangladeshi infiltration still goes on.

There is another way to look at the problem in West Bengal. In 1951, proportion of Muslim population in West Bengal was 19.5 percent. That rose to about 34 percent during 2022. Obviously, there was corresponding reduction of proportion of Hindu population in the state despite huge migration of Hindus from Bangladesh to West Bengal for religious persecution.

Roughly speaking, for each Hindu who migrated from Bangladesh to West Bengal for religious persecution, there were at least five Muslim Bangladeshi illegal immigrants in the state for economic and Jih@di reasons. So, of those 100 million of illegal Bangladeshi in India, about 16 million are Hindus and rest 84 million are Muslims. This 16 million of Hindu refugees should get asylum in India for failure of Nehru-Liaquat Pact of 1950. But the 84 million of Muslim infiltrators should be identified and deported to Bangladesh.

The largest chunk of these Muslim Bangladeshi did not / do not stay in West Bengal. They spread over to whole of India in a systematic and diffused manner. One can find them in all cities and states of India today. Wherever they go in India, they take shelter in Muslim localities. The local leaders then help them in getting Ration Card, Aadhar card, PAN Card and even Indian Passport.

Lately, Indian Islamist-Leftist-Liberal cabal has become all gleeful about the achievement of better economic condition in Bangladesh in comparison with India. The cabal should take a leading role for deporting those 84 million of Bangladeshi Muslims to their own country.


PS: Yogi government of UP has recently tabled in the state assembly the Justice Saxena Report of 1980 communal riots in Moradabad. The report was submitted in 1983 but remained in cold storage for 40 years before Yogi-ji made it public. As per that report, about 30,000 illegal Bangladeshi (Muslim) migrants were brought and settled in Moradabad prior to the 1980 riots and Congress governments both at Centre and state of UP remained indifferent.

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