Saturday, July 27, 2024



The burden of illegal Bangladeshi in India

Lately, Indian Islamist-Leftist-Liberal cabal has become all gleeful about the achievement of better economic condition in Bangladesh in comparison with India.

Rohingyas: A threat to Indian security

India is neither a signatory to the UN Convention of Status of Refugees nor has any domestic refugee law or a strict policy.

Why Mamata Banerjee is the worst Chief Minister at present

The West Bengal CM is on a path of destruction for the state.

Concerned over Rohingyas in Burma but careless about Hindus in Bangladesh. Why Didi?

Mamata Banerjee and her supporters had spoken in favour of Rohingyas many times, but silent on Hindus.

MSM Fake News Monitor : Indian Express on Mohan Bhagwat

How Indian Express spun facts around RSS chief's Dussehra speech to create a sensationalist headline.

Why India cannot afford to have Rohingiyas

By showing the mirror of humanity, can we play down the threat to the security?

Cow slaughter: How the Rohingyas failed to honour the sensitivities of the Buddhist population

Recent history shows that the Rohingyas have failed to integrate with the Buddhist population

Why Rajdeep Sardesai blocked me on Twitter

I just wanted to see how they have responded to one of India's greatest military hero, Marshal Arjan Singh's death.

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