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HomeMediaStandard of journalism seems to be falling day by day

Standard of journalism seems to be falling day by day

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Yesterday the country was a slave, a journalist free, but today the country is free and a journalist a slave. When slavery was a law in the country, the work of creating a revolution was done by the people by starting journalism. Today when our country is free, our words have become slaves. Yesterday, when a journalist sat down to write, the pen did not stop, but today the journalist himself stops while writing because as much as the journalists were not afraid of strangers in the past, they are more afraid of their loved ones today.

The slave country was ruled by the British. Then through pen and paper, the soldiers of the pen were free to tell the people what slavery was and how people would be able to get rid of it. But today if there is any problem with the government or the system, then no one can raise their voice against it, and on trying, an attempt is made to buy the power of the pen by putting forward personal needs. In the past, people used to join the hobby of journalism, but today this hobby has taken the form of a necessity and is fulfilling the practice of business. Today, when a passionate journalist engraves any news, then that news passes through the high officials and others, in the course of time, it dies or gets buried under the intention of getting profit. In such a situation, even a journalist who performs his work with passion, seeing the water on hard work, starts earning money only by completing the quorum of making news.

This changing nature of journalism is not only responsible for the nature and needs of the journalist, but our readers are also responsible for it. Which has changed so much with this changing environment that it has separated the words of newspapers and journalists from the feelings of a penman. The result of this is that today the journalist cannot write anything of his own free will because he is the slave of his reader and he has to write what his reader wants. Apart from this, even if a journalist, showing his vitality, makes up his mind to expose the facts from the news, then that news adorns the dustbin by offering the principles of the newspaper group and the bidding of advertisements. If by filtering these things, that news is filtered and saved along with the basic things, then somewhere that news can be printed on the page. In such a situation, the said journalist thanks God that the news got published, but the honesty and hard work of the journalist towards this news is left behind and takes its place by the commitment of the editor and higher officials.

Today’s journalism is under pressure from the market and business. Due to which the media has deviated from its foundation of making people aware and the form of paid news has emerged in a grand manner. The increasing trend of ‘paid news in the media is not only dangerous for the country and society but also for journalism. Paid news is not a disease but a symptom of a disease. Its origin lies elsewhere. There is a need to think positively in this direction. Media has become an influential part of society but today the influence of capitalists is increasing on this pillar, which is fatal for the country and society.

Today’s media has influenced society so much that it can put anyone in the ranks of king and rank. But the irony is that even after having so much power, the media has to listen to criticism from all sides because its direction is confused or it should be said that it has absorbed the negativity itself. If we look at the recent events, it is clear that those who accuse the Prime Minister, those who spew venom against the country, and those who denigrate nationalism, have been given more attention in the media. Here the question is not being raised on the work of the media, but what the people of the country have the right to know and how much publicity will be given to any news being shown by the media, this topic is worth considering. Because the things that are in the mind of most people are momentary and are due to being read immediately in TV channels or magazines. There will be very few people who will think deeply about any fact. In such a situation, the lie or half-truth shown by the media leaves a wrong impression on the mind and minds of the countrymen.

To say that journalism is the fourth pillar of the country. Newspaper, which works to keep an eye on the important pillars of the country like the judiciary, legislature, and executive, has turned away from its original work today. Journalism, which performed its role among the people under the mission in its beginning, also changed with time as a changing profession. This period of change did not stop here, in the present time the nature of journalism has emerged in the form of commission. In such a situation, it is not right to see today’s journalism in any way with the mission and ambition of the past. Change is the law of nature and media is also following the same. Perhaps the change of the present is that journalists expressing their opinion on a particular issue are seen as nationalistic, communist, or foreign in other sections.

If present-day journalism is to be defined, then it can be termed as an undertaking to vigorously spread the continuous sequence of selling human sensibilities. Whether it is a newspaper or a news channel, there is a war of TRP among themselves, due to which only social inequality is getting a chance to flourish apart from social concerns. The conceit of power and the feeling of being self-appointed has made the media today seem to play the role of a judge rather than a social watchdog. This trend of media has changed the attitude of readers towards news. Now the media is busy serving its views among the readers instead of giving information.

Journalism itself has a lot of importance. That is why journalism is also called the fourth pillar of democracy. At the same time, due to journalism, the social and political structure is basically working. It is through journalism that the work of bringing news to the people is done.

If the incident happens somewhere, then the information about that incident is available to the people only because of this journalism. The public can also see the news of a place with full details through journalism, while the common people get to know about the true events due to this journalism.

Journalism is the work of conveying the truth and true events to the people. People are able to get information about corruption, political upheaval, scams, incidents only through journalism. But talking about the present time, now the standard of journalism is going down. People have made this journalism their business, due to which true things do not reach the people. Because what is shown to the people is what the public believes to be right. That’s why people trust journalism more.

But nowadays journalism is being misused fiercely. Journalism is being projected as a trade. Where journalism used to have a different identity among the people through true talk and corruption, those things are proving to be secondary in the present time. People are busy using it in the wrong way. At the same time, you can also assess how journalism is being given the form of business. It is not that true journalism has died in the present time, even today many living examples of true journalism will be found. But those who do true journalism have to face a lot of difficulties and people are underestimating those who do true journalism.

In the present environment, people have started filling their coffers through journalism. What is to be shown, what is to be published and who has to be shown right, then who has to be shown wrong, all these are decided in the closed office room. True things are also presented in a negative way. At the same time, when such negative things go among the people, then they start considering the true incident as concoction. Due to which the true things do not reach the people and only those people associated with journalism who want to show them in the wrong sense are forced to put them in their minds. People are curious about many news, what happened in this news or what is coming out in this news.

If we talk about an incident and it can completely bring down one’s dignity and expose the exploits done by him, but if the way of reporting that news is changed, then this news will prove to be a boon for the person who That’s wrong. At the same time, there is a competition to show the wrongdoers and those who do wrong things positively in the time of today’s journalism. Due to which the right news does not reach the people. In order to present such news quickly, without taking complete information about that news, broken news is served in front of the people. Due to which wrong facts reach the people.

People are not able to judge whether this news is true or false. But what is shown is what people are forced to believe. But when the real incident is known till the time half incomplete news reaches among the people. Due to which people confirm negative and positive thinking for the person concerned through that news. In such a situation, the joy that journalism is enjoying in the affair of showing the news soon can be called harmful for the time to come.

At present, the standard of journalism has gone down. No one thinks about which news should be conveyed to the people or what people want to see. But just trying to forcibly put that news in the mind of the public. If this kind of journalism is done, it will prove to be a big problem for loyal journalists in the coming times.

The nature of journalism is slowly changing now. In the beginning, people used to believe the news published in the newspaper more.

At the same time, the news published in the newspaper used to be a kind of seal. But gradually people started showing interest in seeing the news published in the newspapers through their eyes.

Due to which TV news started after the newspaper. Through TV news, people started seeing the happenings through their eyes. Due to this, TV news channels gained momentum. People on TV started showing interest in watching that incident through video. At the same time, more importance was given to the news running on TV. If there was any scam or some politician did this, then the gestures of that leader started being served to the people only through TV.

Due to which people started joining TV news channels with the news published in the newspaper. At present, hundreds of TV channels have opened. Due to the attraction towards TV channels, there was a lot of opening of TV channels in the market. According to the thinking of the people, news started getting published on TV channels. At the same time, people also started changing the remote of their homes to see the news.

In the present times, once again the nature of journalism has changed. People were not able to watch the events coming on TV 24 hours a day. After which now social media started. When social media achieved achievement when people started sending news from different places in their own way.

When people started getting news on their mobile phones, people once again got disillusioned with TV news channels. Wherever people sat, they started keeping their thoughts in watching the news. At the same time, this thinking of his was once understood by the news channels. After which thousands of social sites and portals were flooded. Now people started getting news on their mobile through the link of these portals.

Due to which his curiosity also started to awaken. Slowly, the fascination with TV channels has reduced in the time of the people. At the same time, people see every news on mobile that they want to see. With this, they also get the news in a quick way. That’s why there has been a different change in the time of journalism. And according to the time and according to the thinking of the people, journalism has changed its nature.

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