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HomeOpinionsThe choices we have: Roots in our civilization

The choices we have: Roots in our civilization

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We keep moving. We think we are moving. But is it true? I think we are stationary and the universe presents two choices at a time to choose from and we keep choosing one and thus the universe progresses depending upon the collective outcome of all the choices of all conscious beings who can make choices in this universe.

The choices are also not in a simple fashion. they percolate down as in the form of a pyramid. The person with more consciousness has to make higher choices and the person with lower Consciousness has to make lower choices in order to sustain the civilizational flow which is in the form of lateral pyramid. 

At the micro level, each person has a range of choices from higher to lower one but the impact of the choices he makes is dependent upon the level of his consciousness. That means, a lower person must make decisions on higher choices also but the impact is very as compared to the choice made by a higher person on the same set of higher choices. Similarly, a higher person’s decision on lower choices is very low as compared to the lower person making a decision on the same set of lower choices. This leads us to the conclusion that each set of choice is important and each person is equally important. Thus the terminology of lower and higher is to differentiate the consciousness level and not anything else.this is what is called pyramidal structure of any civilization. This leads us to the varna system having 4 varnas_ brahmin, kshatriya, vaishya, shudra.

Brahmin_ one who is in direct connection to the universe through inner realization . 

Kshatriya _ one who is directly connected to remove obstacles in the path of people and himself . path leading to brahmin hood.

Vaishya _ one who is in direct connect to provide resources to people and himself on path leading to brahmin hood.

Shudra_ one who is in direct connect to provide services to people and himself on path leading to brahmin hood.

Thus we come to the conclusion that one who is born needs to develop into the beautiful perfect being. The perfect being who is in tune with the universe. One who knows. What? He knows that volcanoes erupt. He knows that rivers flood. He knows that animals exist. He knows that animals eat. He knows about anatomy of females and males. He knows about the purpose of civilization. He knows about the beautiful spacecraft. He knows about the sun. He knows about the existence of underwater creatures. And if he doesn’t know about external natural creations, he definitely knows himself.

Om Shanti Om 

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