Hinduism culture
The choices we have: Roots in our civilization
The choices are also not in a simple fashion. They percolate down as in the form of a pyramid. The person with more consciousness has to make higher choices and the person with lower Consciousness has to make lower choices in order to sustain the civilizational flow which is in the form of lateral pyramid.
Vadakalai vs Thenkalai- Time to bell the cat & the monkey- Part-II
While both the Vadagalais and Thengalais share a common religious origin and faith and also adhere to their own school of thought, neither of them condemns or rejects the sacred character of the other cult but there's an on going vicious fight between the two groups for nearly 200 years
Day in the life of a Sanatani: “Khush Raho”
This is why I, for once and forever, choose to surrender to the sagacity of our saints for they were the ones who knew that there is no higher blessing than being alive and "Khush“.
Understanding Anti-Brahmanism to defeat it
Jayant -
the government needs to ensure safety and protection of those Brahmins living under the threat of cultural genocide.
Why being a Hindu is an integral part while being an Indian
chipmap -
What is my idea of India? Can I negate the fact that it is my religion that identifies me as an Indian? A curious colleague influenced me to explore it.