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How a Muslim man tried to convert a Hindu girl, who was saved only because of being a minor

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Author of the book “Gujarat Riots: The True Story” which gives all the details about the 2002 Gujarat riots - Godhra and thereafter.

The Mumbai Mirror reported on 17 March 2015:

“A Ruia College student, who had gone missing on March 9, has been traced and brought back to the city. Kavita (name changed), 17, had been kidnapped by an Odisha resident who had befriended her on Facebook.

Kavita had gone missing after appearing for her HSC exam on March 9. Her parents lodged a case of kidnapping against unidentified persons at the Matunga Police station [in Mumbai].

On the social media site, accused Sajan Sheikh, 21, had created a profile by the name Rohit Das and claimed he was a college student. After being in touch with the girl for over six months, Sheikh came to Mumbai on March 8.

“A day later, Shaikh asked Kavita to leave with him. Initially she refused but when he said he will commit suicide if she didn’t marry him, she agreed. The two boarded the Chennai Express”, said a police officer from Matunga.

He said, “In Chennai. Kavita realized that Sheikh worked as a waiter. Later, he took Kavita to a market and bought a burqa for her, saying it will help them in not getting identified. The same day, they left for Sheikh’s native place in Balasore, Odisha.”

They reached Balasore on March 13, where Kavita confronted him after realizing that even his name was fake. Sheikh’s family called a community leader, who told them the girl was a minor and if they got her married, they would land in legal problems.

Shaikh and Kavita then reached Bhubaneswar on March 14. There she saw some policemen and ran to them for help. The cops alerted the Mumbai Police on Saturday (March 14). Now Kavita is back in Mumbai while a manhunt has been launched to trace Shaikh. The police will later record her statement to ascertain if there was any sexual abuse” (full story read here).

As we can see, this was not ‘Love’ but purely ‘Love Jihad’. It isn’t ‘Love’ for a Muslim from a far-off state of Odisha to befriend a girl from Mumbai on Facebook, fake a Hindu name, buy a burqa for her, and try to convert her to Islam. The family of the Muslim man also wanted to convert the girl to Islam. The only reason the girl was saved was because she was not yet 18, still only 17 and the man’s community leader informed the family that they would get in legal trouble if they got the girl married while she was still a minor.

Dara hua Musalman? [Scared Muslim?] Ha!

Imagine the opposite. A Hindu man faking a Muslim name, and doing this to a Muslim girl in Pakistan. Forget Pakistan, this does not happen even in India. This episode is a concrete proof for the motive of conversion of non-Muslims to Islam, as per the basic beliefs of Islam. We have negationists whitewashing the fanaticism of Muslims in India. We have negationists denying the very existence of Love Jihad in India. This, despite brave journalists like Swati Goel Sharma of Swarajya proving a pattern, of Muslim men faking Hindu identities to trap Hindu girls or women.

Such horror cases need to highlighted by the national media for what they are, not mere sex/stalking/ pressurization for marriage crimes, but crimes of religious fanatics in trying to convert Hindu girls to Islam. This is not an isolated incident. There are so many cases of such Muslims pressurizing Hindu girls to convert to Islam. And ‘seculars’ say India is becoming a ‘Hindu Pakistan’! Far from it, it is becoming an Islamic Pakistan. Can you imagine Hindus in Pakistan killing Muslim women for refusing to convert to Hinduism? Or pressurizing them, mentally and physically torturing them to convert to Hinduism? Forget Pakistan, not a single such case is known to me even in India!

Negationism is an integral part of the psyche of the pseudo-secularists in India. Their response to the Godhra carnage of 27 February 2002 where 2000 Muslims burnt to coal 59 Hindus, including 25 women and 15 children, including babies and toddlers, proves this beyond doubt. Instead of blaming the Muslims, they blamed the victims, slandered and insulted the victims.

The ‘secularists’ in the media and the non-BJP politicians slandered the dead Ram sewaks and blamed them for the tragedy, and not the Muslims who actually burnt the train. This troubled the conscience of one of the ‘secularists’, Vir Sanghvi, who condemned this response of the ‘secularists’ and said that the dead Ram sewaks are being dehumanized, are being insulted. His exact words were:

And yet, the sub-text to all secular commentary is the same: the kar sewaks had it coming to them. Basically, they condemn the crime; but blame the victimsWhy have we de-humanised them [the dead kar sewaks] to the extent that we don’t even see the incident as the human tragedy that it undoubtedly was and treat it as just another consequence of the VHP’s fundamentalist policies? The answer, I suspect, is that we are programmed to see Hindu-Muslim relations in simplistic terms: Hindus provoke, Muslims suffer. When this formula does not work – it is clear now that a well-armed Muslim mob murdered unarmed Hindus – we simply do not know how to cope. We shy away from the truth – that some Muslims committed an act that is indefensible – and resort to blaming the victims…

This shows that the negationists simply cannot see Muslims as anything but victims, and will instead blame dead babies and children for being roasted to coal, but not their attackers. A BJP opponent, as late as 2017 refused to blame Muslims for Godhra and called the dead 59 Ramsewaks in Godhra as ‘fanatics’ including the 15 children killed including babies which was allowed to be published by India Today’s platform DailyO. The editor of the Leftist website The Wire, Siddharth Varadarajan too slandered the dead and defended the heinous killers.

When this is what they do in cases as clear and horrific as Godhra, what will they do in other cases? There are cases when Muslims have beheaded Hindu wives for refusing to convert to Islam. Instead of accepting this as LoveJihad, negationists in India (like Kavita Krishnan) are saying that men cheating on women is not a phenomenon unique to Muslims.

The issue is conversion. As we saw in the above case of the Muslim man from Odisha, there was undeniably a motive to convert the girl to Islam. The right wing needs to expose the Leftist negationists for who they are – self-described in the article of confession by Vir Sanghvi. Expose of their response to Godhra will help people understand their response (whitewashing, negationism, and denial of existence of LoveJihad) to other cases.

This compilation gives a list of around 135 cases where Muslim men converted or killed, or raped, or sexually assaulted, or tried to convert, or tried to sexually assault Hindu girls or women, mostly of the past 4 to 5 years itself.

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Author of the book “Gujarat Riots: The True Story” which gives all the details about the 2002 Gujarat riots - Godhra and thereafter.
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