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HomeMediaPakistan to Mapistan: Decoding the real intent

Pakistan to Mapistan: Decoding the real intent

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The cartographic issues and challenges to India from its neighbour is not a novel or unique problem that we have witnessed in the recent. From the starting of July there are some issues going on with the all-time ally of India i.e. Nepal but in recent past we have witnessed a shift of paradigm from Nepal as it is continuously taking stands that is not in favour of India.

The recent cartographic challenge on the very first eve of abrogation of Article 370 comes when Pakistan unveils its new political map. Now, the new bizarre act is a provocation move, as it is evident that Pakistan on Tuesday unveiled its new map that is too absurd due to its claim on various Indian regions. The development is provoking the International border tension as the intention of Pakistan is clear from the new revealed map where Pakistan is making sovereign claims on the entire Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh and the erstwhile princely state of Junagadh in Gujarat. The step taken by Pakistan has also some consequential effect through which Pakistan wants to capture the Indian territory and to bring an internal disturbance with the help of terrorism. There is not an iota of doubt about the evil intention of Pakistan.

Pakistan’s statement made the aforementioned claim more strengthening, the statement also called for the use of IIOJK and not IOJK or JOK. It said that the term used Jammu and Kashmir henceforth should be “Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir” as approved to “Indian Occupied Kashmir”. It also added that illegal action should be used in place of illegal annexation. The text below in parentheses reads, “Disputed Territory – Final Status to be decided in line with the relevant UNSC resolutions.”  

The new map also claims that the district of Junagadh in Gujarat is the part of Pakistan and this cannot be possible due to the earlier development in Junagadh wherein 1948 there was a plebiscite to decide the dispute that is Junagarh a part of India or Pakistan, in which 99.45% people of that district voted in the notion to join India, after only that Junagadh became part of India. In the plebiscite India polled 222,184 votes and Pakistan 130 out of a total population of 720,000 of Junagarh and its feudatories.

The absurdity of this new ‘so called’ map of Pakistan is clearly understandable from this very reason. The issues is not only that Pakistan is claiming the parts of India as its territory but also the very heated and debated issue of International resonance where once again Pakistan is creating new conundrums in the region of Sir Creek where International border lines lie along the western bank of Sir Creek but now just to expand its territory according to its own whims and fancies the new map is showing the borderline along in the eastern bank of Sir Creek.

Pakistan Digging its own grave

The absurdity of new map is evident and there is no need to discuss on it but the prime question that is untouched by many of us even today is that  from this new map Pakistan itself invited a new tension for itself, soon Pakistan would regret on its new so called political map decision, It is a death knell to the self-determination movement and anti-national activities in the Kashmir valley. Want to know why Pakistan will regret its own decision here is the reason, the impact of this development or cartographic hallucination on bilateral relationship between India and Pakistan may be watershed in times to come. From this map Pakistan reopens the map of 1948’s., from this step Pakistan simply paved the way for unilateralism as Pakistan has given up on the landmarks 1972 Shimla Agreement and 1999 Lahore Declaration, the two agreements that was signed for the bilateral dispute resolution. This raise question that

‘Does Imran Khan’s this notion is indicating that they want to give up other bilateral pacts as well?’.

Such as the aqua lifeline for Pakistan. The Indus Water Treaty that allows the division of water between two nations. It is evident from above-mentioned information that Pakistan tends to follow the same road as adopted by Nepal in which the latter amended their constitution and stated the territory of India as a part of its own in May 2020.

Pakistan has also tried to follow them by connecting dots to dots. This new map of Pakistan opens up the door for unilateralism by India but India has never involved in such activities and has always tried to maintain friendly relation with its neighbouring states and once again to de-escalate the things and not to provoke it on the prima facies Indian government has dismissed the new Pakistan map as a “exercise in political absurdity”

There is not a Iota of doubt that this map raised new and heavy concerns for India as we are now facing the multidimensional issues from many of our neighbours out of which two of them are major concerns, i.e. China and Pakistan, but the paradigm shift and change in the attitude of Nepal is concerning for India much more than that rest of two nations.

Pakistan’s Evil Intention Decoded 

Foreign Minister of Pakistan has clearly stated that their objective is to reach Srinagar which is a threatening sign, this statement was made to provoke India to internationalize the issue of Kashmir on the global platform. These events are the outcome of inability of Pakistan’s PM to get the international community to side with Islamabad on the issue of Kashmir as no one is in support of Pakistan on International platform on the issue of abrogation of Article 370 from Kashmir. 

The Prime Minister of Pakistan stated that “It is a historic occasion. The political map reflects our national aspiration and supports our principled stance on Kashmir dispute.” The foreign Minister of Pakistan, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, said that the dotted line in the initial map that used to indicate a “disputed territory” has been done away with. He also said that Siachen has also been included in the new map and that it has always belonged to Pakistan. Qureshi claimed that the “Kashmir Leadership” has also endorsed the new map.

“Our destination is Srinagar, our goal is to achieve and fulfil the dream of our ancestors,” the foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said. Many other statements were made by different personnel of Pakistan with reference to the map

Conundrum in the new Map: The Issues

Facing a mutiny in the Gilgit-Baltistan region, insurgency in Balochistan and demand within the Sindhi community of Pakistan for an independent Sindhi nation. The action of declaring Indian territories as its own by Pakistani authorities could be a conspiracy amongst the Pakistani, Chinese and Nepalis authorities against India to claim parts of Indian territory so as to build pressure and tension for India. 

On the eve of August 05, the claims made by Pakistan is cartographic aggression and we need to address it in the same language as Pakistan tried to worried us. The issues with the new political map of Pakistan is its map itself as in no way the claim portion is their territory and cannot be justified in any way.

The map depicts entire Jammu and Kashmir as a disputed territory and done away with borders in the east of Kashmir. The cabinet of Pakistan also approved to rename Kashmir Highway in capital city Islamabad as Srinagar Highway. Further, the new map claims the Siachen, regions of Sir Creek, and Junagadh as a part of Pakistan’s territory. This petty act of Pakistan is against its commitment to adjudicate the future of all six parts of the erstwhile royal state of Jammu and Kashmir which includes Jammu, Kashmir, Ladakh, Gilgit-Baltistan, PoK and Aksai Chin with India and the claims made by Pakistan in its new map is also a regressive step. This is a calculative strategy dictated by Chinese to remind us that if we continue to stand firm in a dark then India has a problem in two-front war they are trying to send a signal to us that since Pakistan is a client stage of China at any point they can make Pakistan’s to open up a front against us concerning this ridiculous assertion of Junagadh.

Why this is absurd move and India’s response on it?

This absurd move by Pakistan comes due to the recent masterstroke made by the Indian government in the State of Jammu and Kashmir.  The inability of Pakistan and decline in terrorism is a worry for Pakistan as, it didn’t want to see stability and development in Jammu and Kashmir. The prime aim of Pakistan is to capture the territories of India by militant aggression and by terror activities, but due to recent development and stringent actions by the Government of India Pakistan is continuously facing defeat in its evil intentions to disturb the peace in Jammu and Kashmir. This development is just frustration of Pakistan and cartographic aggression that cannot be ignored in any way.

The spokes-person of MEA has rejected the claims made by Pakistan and termed it as “absurd act”. This new development raised new concerns for India due to multidimensional reasons. The assertions of Pakistan is just a plan absurdity that lacks international credibility as well as it has no legal backing and it only confirms the reality of Pakistan’s obsession with territorial aggrandizement with the full support of terrorism from the cross border. This move is a tit for tat by Pakistan as China, Nepal and Pakistan objected and condemned to the map of New Delhi that was issued in November 2019, the reasons for objection by the three neighbour is dynamic in nature.

Concerns for India.

The new concerns arose for India and what Pakistan had done on August 5 is showing that Pakistan is crossing its limit. It erodes the credibility of Pakistan in the diplomatic parlance of the globe, it also takes away the legal validity and they have further embedded themselves in the lies and propaganda. The similar act was already done by Nepal at tri-juncture, it is raised the concerns as this is the second time in the recent past where cartographic challenge that is not legal and tenable at all. Earlier Nepal published a new map claiming India’s territories in its map where Nepal claimed the territories of the Kalapani region.

The global diaspora is also somewhat concerned due to the recent losing grip of India and its influence on its neighbours as the changing stands of Nepal, Sri Lanka is also titled more towards China, Bangladesh is miffed over  the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 and  the harsh blow on India’s face as it was excluded from Iran’s Chabahar railway link project. These issues are raising concerns for Indian diplomacy as well as to everyone in India and there is an urgent need for a deeper examination of the diplomatic relations, foreign policies with some of our past neighbouring friends like Nepal and other countries. The trend of India now should be of preparedness and proactiveness especially in the case of Pakistan and China.

The ridiculous act of Pakistan doesn’t ridicule us in anyway as now we have a more strong contention about the real intention of Pakistan about controlling the Indian territories with the help of propaganda, terrorism and lies.

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