Saturday, July 27, 2024


India Pakistan on Kashmir

Mr. Farooq Abdullah, being Kashmiri is being Indian, period

A man who says “Kashmir Kya tumhare baap ka Hain”, a man who transforms himself into an advocate for militants who decimate innocents, and a man who panders to the enemy at every single opportunity he gets, Farooq Abdullah, who is astonishingly, a member of parliament, has no right to call himself an Indian.

Pak Occupied Kashmir: How are the people, language and culture there?

Pak Occupied Kashmir: After all, how is that part of India, how are the people there and how are the language and culture?

Pak FM under huge pressure back offs from his “India’s Internal matters” remark

There are also strong rumors that Pakistan is trying too hard to settle all the issue with India including Kashmir issue because of its financial situation.

Pakistan to Mapistan: Decoding the real intent

Pakistan wants the use of IIOJK and not IOJK or JOK. It said that the term used Jammu and Kashmir henceforth should be “Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir” as approved to “Indian Occupied Kashmir”.

Abrogation of article 370

Abrogation of article 370 has generated many emotions, from celebration to anger, from euphoria to despondency, from pride to humiliation, it has seen a wide spectrum of emotions reflected through millions of conversations through social media.

It’s not long before a Pakistani shows his true colours

Here is how even ordinary Pakistanis in professional walks of life aren’t politically knave or hands in mouth. They are pretty active and constantly trying to garner support through whatever means.

Pakistan: Is it all coming to a head now?

The path on which Pakistan is hurtling down could have devastating consequences for the country and its people – unless there is a genuine realignment in the power dynamics in the broader national interest.

Future of Indo-Pak Relation – A futuristic take

Burying our head in the sad doesn’t make us immune to the catastrophe sprinting toward us, does it?

Why Pakistan is screaming nuclear weapons against India

Pakistan is now worried, as why India is not taking it's nuclear deterrence seriously. Jihadist Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan accepted that Pakistan trained terrorist outfits.

Howdy Modi: Advantage India

India emerges as natural partner to USA owing to its size, location, market potential and the strides it has made in all fields including space and cyber world, especially in INDO-PACIFIC region.

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