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HomeReportsCorona- A pandemic or a blessing?

Corona- A pandemic or a blessing?

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Advocate, cricketer and book reader!

The world has just come to a standstill. Major economies of the world are going to enter recession in the coming months. World is under LOCKDOWN. A virus which originated in China has so far spread its tentacles across 190 and odd countries effecting 7 million and counting and over 30000 deaths and counting. As deadly a pandemic as this world has ever witnessed. Major economies of the world are working on partial shut down thinking about a complete shut down as numbers keep rising.

Amidst all the chaos that has been unleashed on the world by China, it has already started back up and is quickly trying to exploit the market for its benefit. It has already bought off shares of some Australian companies established in their country. It has started manufacturing and export of masks and other medical kits across the world for the chaos it unleashed. But one glaring and incomprehensible error in this entire endeavour is the fact that while 190+ countries have been effected by the pandemic none of the business centers in and around Wuhan, the epicenter of the virus have been effected. Beijing is just one major cities that immediately comes to mind. The fact that industries are up and running in all the major hubs of China speaks volumes about the way world order has been damaged to gain advantage. Lockdown of Wuhan happened after 5 million of the total 11 million population already left Wuhan. Conspiracies abound and the evidence keeps piling up.

In this unforeseen chaos the World has United. Humanity is coming forth to crush the barriers that have held us back all these years from truly showing our humanity. Celebrities, sport stars and various other businessmen and entrepreneurs have come forward with huge donations towards fighting this pandemic. People have stopped thinking about themselves and are more worried about others. There has been an unprecedented exchange of ideas. Furthermore, this lockdown has ensured that people connect with each other even if it is through social media as social distancing is a pre-requisite for this lockdown to succeed.

In the daily humdrum of our existence, we are all so entangled in it that we loose ourselves. Human to human interaction ceased in this dog eat dog environment. We are so busy with our problems, aspirations and just basic survival that we hardly interact with each other. This helps those, who want societies to be polarised for their own nefarious designs. And we all help them unwittingly by staying disconnected with the rest of the world. I want to make one thing clear though, it’s not a critique of anyone’s life. I understand that is life and hence, I have no complaints. All I am describing here is the daily life of most of the people in this world, who are all absorbed in the concept of me and my family.

What the Chinese have done though is give a reason for people to Unite. If it was Hitler then, it’s China now. We are currently on a 21 day lockdown. These 21 days decide, whether we come out relatively unscathed or are pushed back by 21 years. They say that if a habit needs to be formed or broken, you have to continuously do it for 21 days to make it a part of your daily life. These 21 days, it is for us to decide, whether we form a good or bad habit. These 21 days, it is for us to decide, whether we stay United or Divided. And finally, these 21 days, it is for us to decide, whether we teach our kids the value of Unity or the effects of greed. Because it all started due to one Nation’s insatiable thirst for Global dominance, it is for us to decide, would we want to succumb to that or hold our head high and say we stand United.

To succeed or fail today is not in the hands of one person but the entire nation. We have all heard stories about how we united as a country to gain our independence. But even our independence struggle left deep divisive scars that haven’t healed yet. This fight is even bigger than that. It is a fight against an unseen force and it will take a United stand against this unseen force released by a known enemy. If we are to succeed in this fight, there is no other option but for the entire country to Unite irrespective of their caste, religion or gender. We are all as weak as our next irresponsible neighbour/literate stupids/illiterate person. So to win this fight and compete against the known enemy, there is no other way but to Unite as a nation.

And to an extent we have all done that. We have taken a United stand in the fight against it, except for some stupidity here and there, most of us stayed home. This is the time to look at the bright side of it. Let’s reconnect with our family, our children, our friends and everyone around us. Let’s make it a habit in this 21 days to stand United. As I said once if we can make our Unity a habit, then there is no force in this world, known or unknown, that can stop our growth. Let’s make it a habit to be positive and stay connected. Let’s make it a habit to Stand United and this pandemic will truly be a blessing for us. The way to defeat an enemy is by making his weapon your strength. Let’s show the World on how to fight an enemy without firing a weapon in retaliation.

Let’s stay home and stand united while our brilliant doctors, nurses, healthcare and essential service providers are out on the frontline braving their lives for us. And in the process let’s all reconnect with each other and stay United as the fight hasn’t been won yet and there is still a War ahead. Let’s all lead the way in showing the world, Unity in Diversity is truly our National motto. Jai Hind.

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