Sunday, October 13, 2024


World Economy

Savings; a virtue, a vice or a lost foresight

While India’s union budget 2023 was hailed for explicitly enticing people to spend more money, the overall current global government policies too continue to adhere to this spending-over-saving paradigm that Keynesian economics pioneered. 

Towards a new world order

The tussle between Eagle, Dragon, Tiger and Bear known as world diplomacy. And the new world order establishing with time. Anaconda is the world's largest...

Why planned economies fail

The primary reason due which planned economies fail is the lack of information regarding market demand.

Corona- A pandemic or a blessing?

While 190+ countries have been effected by the pandemic none of the business centers in and around Wuhan, the epicenter of the virus have been effected.

Is IMF fear of recession tenable?

U.S. economic outlook is healthy and it should continue to act as the main sustaining force for the global economy unless some failures in individual markets and institutions suddenly and rapidly evolve and spread over the global economy.

Globalisation: The new world order

The champions of new global order, claim globalization to be a panacea for every ill that our society is facing but they fail to take into consideration the local conditions, the glaring levels of poverty, the extreme form of malnutrition and rigid work cultures that still haunts a significant chunk of the world population.

Trade War between US & China and why PM Modi’s moves make sense

The trade war between US and China is affecting the entire world's economy including weakening rupee value.

Turmoil on the external economic front

The government’s commitment to maintaining macroeconomic stability — fiscal deficit and exchange rate are very major components of that — is expected to be total.

US – China trade war- Is there more to it than trade?

Is Trump playing hard ball to get China to the negotiating table for a better trade deal?

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