Saturday, July 27, 2024
3 Articles by


Was Ram Chandra Kak a traitor?

The former PM of J&K, Mr. Ram Chandra Kak, a nondescript Kashmiri Pandit who had wheedled his way to minister-in-waiting before being the PM and whose role had allegedly been quite dubious during that whole pandemonium of late 1940s, while Britons were leaving, bag and baggage and India was having its birth pangs with some redeemable “tryst with destinies”.

Listen to us as well

It is, Jammu which has freed herself from the shackles of Kashmiri hegemony and is now free to chart it's own developmental agenda in line with the region's aspirations and cumulative will.

Globalisation: The new world order

The champions of new global order, claim globalization to be a panacea for every ill that our society is facing but they fail to take into consideration the local conditions, the glaring levels of poverty, the extreme form of malnutrition and rigid work cultures that still haunts a significant chunk of the world population.

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