Wednesday, September 18, 2024
HomeOpinionsJobs: Need to rethink

Jobs: Need to rethink

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Lack of jobs, a favorite topic everywhere, from drawing rooms to streets of India. Simplistic conclusion arrived at. Popular being blame the central government or any other soft target. This favorite activity leads to creating false and misleading one sided versions. The same are then disseminated. Thus root of problem is not addressed and only short term methods are adopted to assuage criticism. Due to this short sighted approach, the sufferers are youth of India. They are aspiring for meaningful life and the solution is not being addressed in totality. The problem requires a long term solution. Solution requires deeper understanding of total problem.

To my mind there is structural mismatch in preparing the work force for future meaningful utilization. The utilization perspective has to be of 30 to 40 years. The system of education and skill development requires a long drawn effort, in which all the constituents must participate willingly and proactively side stepping their own interests. The society has assigned various names and adjective to uneducated and under employed. I think it is very unfair. A sympathetic approach is required. To my mind an under employed person is product of an in-efficient system, prevailing since Independence. With our expertise in governance and resource availability this problem can be handled.

The rural based youth haven’t been as lucky as metro based youth in respect of facilities for education and personal growth. Essential inputs are important for growth of human potential. Only such triggers and inputs can lead to better performance and utilization. The difference between rural youth and me is that I have enjoyed all the benefits of growth since independence of India. I am a product of an affluent society. I have had advantages of growth of quality education in India. The systematic growth since independence, guidance by parent and society has helped me to attain better intellect and status in life. Though there are enough examples of diligent luminaries who have risen despite the disadvantages in education and personal growth. The examples are far and few. Their examples cannot be justification for an in- efficient system or not providing growth stimulus to youth in the Indian heartland. We as a society cannot let the down the significant portion of our potential wealth creator. Apart from economic growth creation and growth of economic growth, in infra structure and growth of relevant human capital is essential.

For planning effective use of manpower in a country active participation of the centre, states, educational institutions, industry and society is required. The efforts have to be coordinated and synchronized, to achieve maximum synergy. More than that there has to be system &sub system accountability. To my mind the role of Central Government is to provide stable structure for economic growth of the country. Also included is foreign policy for growth of trade and commerce. The central government’s major role is of facilitation. Sound growth of institutions for internal and external economical development leading to better investment opportunities and stable environment. To my mind, the educational policy and associated curriculum cannot be made by central government. They are a as a compromise to national cultural diversity. They should mad at state keeping in mind state level requirements. Education is on the concurrent list. They should be accountable for education system.

The states administration should play a major role in planning for utilization of manpower required for growth of economic activity. Their role is to ensure growth of economic activity, law and order and basic infrastructure like roads, energy and labor relations.

In addition the states are responsible for laying down and implementing educational policies. The states are to ensure basic teaching of 3R. These are a basic skills taught in schools: reading, writing and arithmetic. The syllabus in this concept is considered enough for an individual to acquire basic skills. Education right from start has to be future oriented with likely utilization in mind. Utilization also is also dependent on end product in mind for various earning skills. Sifting and grading at level will be beneficial both to students and the state. The education system has to understand this basic requirement.

India being rural based economy needs manpower to be associated with agro based farming & industries. Apart from basic education, an individual requires local skills which encourage self employment in rural environment. Utilization of human capital in local environment will check migration to other states. The end product of education should be to be a wealth creator, who starts adding to nation GDP, by the age 15 years. Apart from having job ready skills, the education system should teach basics of good citizenships. This will make younger generation immune to social tensions and not swayed easily.

Liberals relax. India has a bigger problem at hand. A change in mindset is required where more priority is to action plan on ground and not on slogans.

The value system in society also needs change of mindset. The value of doing an honest job has been lost. The societal l preference is for government / white collared jobs where there is mismatch between productivity and earnings. Blue collared jobs are not preferred because of honest labor and no hidden perks. Feeling being that white collar jobs tend to generate additional income at a lesser effort. There needs to be a change in mind set. In Indian mindset. Then only better talent will migrate to technical training and technical jobs required all over India. Examples being repair of TV, mobiles, pumps and generators pump rep air conditioning jobs.

Sad to say all political parties have played a role of disruption like closure of institutions, creating social tensions, Lock outs etc. Gainers have been political parties and the losers are the youth. Perhaps there may be a co-relation between political instability and unemployed.

Every business asks for facilities and concessions to start new industry. Benefits to locals are cited as a reason for concessions. The benefits to locals accrue to at much later stage. If I had some say, I would insist on starting training institutions at the time of allotment of land. Aim being to train locals in meeting the future skills and requirement of new industry. By the time the project is ready, the absorption rate of locals must increase on basis of their merit and not quota.
Businesses are expected to think ahead in areas of investment, new technologies trends. They must ensure the flow of information downstream to the states. This will facilitate planning of new syllabus or /modifying existing syllabus. This role must be undertaken by business chambers and training institutions. Information on industry requirements, about future technology induction will help technical institutions to equip themselves, to revise syllabus, upgrade teaching competencies Examples could be of car/auto/TV repairs. With rural consumption the availability of goods has increased. Why should not manufacturers of cars/TV provide assistance in setting up training institutions. The incentives to them should also be linked to quality of technical manpower upgraded. The Human Resource (HR) professionals can counsel job aspirants on short comings and advice areas of upgrade.

Finally who should supervise visitors the state level implementation. Visitors from Delhi or personnel from states, as they have better knowledge of state rural needs. A greater accountability till district level should be enforced. Till we do not have unemployment as nations will, I do not think the problem can be solved. Youth will suffer and social tensions will increase. Let us put aside our gains, and priorities but act. They will turn naught if this problem is not handled. The nation acted in 1962 and can act again.

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