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HomeOpinionsClass system (VarNa VyavasthA): The delusion dispersed about it in society

Class system (VarNa VyavasthA): The delusion dispersed about it in society

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Self from a small village Khatkhati of Chhattisgarh. I have completed my Graduation in Mechanical Engineering from GEC, Bilaspur. Now, I am working as a General Manager in a Power Plant. I have much interested in spirituality and religious activity. Reading and writing are my hobbies apart from playing chess. From past 2 years I am doing research on "Science in Hindu Scriptures".

Let’s start with a verse from Shrimad Bhagvat Gita, Chapter 4 Shloka 13:

chAturvarNyam mayA shrishTyam, guNakarma vibhAgshah.

tasya kartAramapi mAm, vidhyakartAram avyayam. (Gita 4:13)

This verse is very important, not only from spiritual perspective but also from scientific point of view. Apart from this, the verse also has its own social significance. Before comprehension of the verse, it is necessary to know the sociopolitical discourse of present India first. While, nowadays, India is emerging stronger in global scenario under a strong and efficient leadership, on the other hand, some anti-social elements want to divide it back into caste mania and trying to push the society towards radical mindset; which will eventually prove to be a hindrance to India’s progress. Unfortunately, the common Hindu people, being unaware of their religious texts and its Class System (VarNa VyavasthA), could be easily misled, are the easiest prey for such anti-national and divisive forces who want to cling society in caste mania. Various misconceptions are dispersed by these anti-national forces on Class System (VarNa VyavasthA). Its denial by true references of religious texts is of extreme importance and necessary.

Now, we try to comprehend the meaning of the above verse 4:13:

Etymologically the word ‘VarNa’ is made up of base (or root) word ‘Var’ which has many meanings – To choose, to demand, to desire, to search something to achieve (Reference: Screen Shot (SS) of Chaturvedi Sanskrit-Hindi Dictionary by Dwarka Prasad Sharma Edition 1917).

Another reference SS is as below from Index of PANini’s DhAtupATha with Vedic swaras:

From above SS it is evident that the meanings of varNa are ‘to choose the desired work, enterprise, industry, color, species, letter of the alphabet, kind, type, fame, love’ etc. To assimilate ‘varNa’ with ‘caste’ is utterly irrational and sheer ignorance.

Hence, the shloka 4:13 can be translated as, ‘Segregating the deeds based on the properties, I composed four varNa. That is, four types of enterprises (karma), with a freedom to choose, were composed by me. And, although I have composed them, do not consider me to be its doer’. (Gita 4:13)

The first point to understand here is that the division of karma is based on the qualities and the second, the freedom to choose them. The word varNa could not be assimilated with ‘Caste’, because it is not based on birth but based on karma and furthermore, freedom of choice is also there. Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra – all these four words are qualitative nouns. Apparently, it is a delusion prevalent in society that varNa is a synonym for Caste.

This verse also contain a very deep spiritual meaning. In the second stage, Shri KrishNa says, ‘Though I have composed them, do not consider me to be its doer.’ It simply means, Shri KrishNa advised to avoid the feeling ‘I did’ in any circumstances as it will create an ego in a person’s mind and eventually, it will take the person away from the God. This is also written by Saint Kabir Das ji in simple words:

Prem gali ati sankri, jA me do na samAhi

Jab me thA hari nAhi, jab hari hai me nAhi

Eventually, we can comprehend – Select the karma based on your qualities and work accordingly. After accomplishment, give up the ego of ‘I did’; which means simply, neither do attachment in deeds nor for the result. In very precise words, Shri KrishNa taught the people to eliminate both the causes of grief i.e. ‘Ego’ & ‘Expectation’ of a person. ‘Ego’ & ‘Expectation’ are the two reasons for any problem in the world. A mind without these two culprits, can stay calm and relieved from any grievances.

Easily could be concluded that the varNa, of a person, does not belongs to him by birth. Furthermore, its evidences are found in Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran Part 1, Section 7, chapter 11 and Shloka 35:

yasya yallakshyaNam proktam punso varNAbhivyanjakam

yadanyatrApi drishyet tat tenaiv vinirdishet

The character describing a particular varNa, if found in a person of different varNa  then the individual will be considered as of previous varNa. Apparently, qualities, of an individual, are important compared to his birth.

Additionally, this could be confirmed through the verse 4:1:17 of  VishNu PuraNa:

tadanvayAshcha kshatriyssarve dikshvabhavan

prishadhrastu manuputro gurugovadhAchchhUdratvamagamat

Prishadhra, the son of a man named Manu, became shudra due to the murder of his cow. This is just one example. Many such examples are found in scriptures. In shloka 19 of the same chapter of VishNu PuraNa i.e. 4:1:19, there is mention of Manu’s grandson, son of DishTa, who became vaishya because of his deeds.

In summary, it can be said that there was no inclusion of dynasty in the Class System (varNa vyavasthaA). In the absence of dynasty in Class System, no other system could be better than it. Even today, karma of a society can be categorized into four types i.e. intellectual, defense, business and service work. The service work is not meant to serve anyone’s feet, but to do social work to help or facilitate the society.

By denying the delusions being spread by anti-social elements that break society, we should study and analyze the texts minutely. It will ensure to create a harmonious society and eventually an united India. It can tie the society to its cultural heritage strongly. A civilization, unaware of its own scriptures and being culturally deprived, can not be save for longer.

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Self from a small village Khatkhati of Chhattisgarh. I have completed my Graduation in Mechanical Engineering from GEC, Bilaspur. Now, I am working as a General Manager in a Power Plant. I have much interested in spirituality and religious activity. Reading and writing are my hobbies apart from playing chess. From past 2 years I am doing research on "Science in Hindu Scriptures".
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