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HomeOpinionsWhy a BJP victory in Karnataka is very crucial for the Hindus

Why a BJP victory in Karnataka is very crucial for the Hindus

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As the date to poll in Karnataka assembly elections approaches, all the major political parties of Karnataka are trying to give their best to win this election. There can be many elections but some are historic and symbolic. The recent Tripura elections which had given BJP a thunderous victory over its ideological rival is one such historic election. Karnataka elections are no less symbolic and crucial due to many reasons.

Congress mukt Bharat

Prime minister Narendra Modi has given a vision to the country and a target to his party that is ‘Congress mukt Bharat’. Many perceive dynastic politics, corruption, minority appeasement as the vices which threaten the very existence if our country. And all these vices are inherent to Congress party. To achieve this vision, winning Karnataka elections is very crucial. Every political party pools its resources during elections from many sources and its clout or ability to collect the resources needed depends on the extent of power it wields. Losing Karnataka is nothing but losing its prime source of funding to the Congress. So BJP winning Karnataka elections will make winning 2019 elections and achieving a congress less Indian politics easier.

To nip the Dravida Nadu drama at its bud

With exit of TDP from NDA, there’s a renewed debate on so-called injustice to South India. Many, especially in Tamil Nadu are even dreaming of realising separate country which they call Dravida Nadu. Some may protest giving importance to these fringe elements who don’t have any mass support. But it’s very important to nip every secessionist ideology at its bud irrespective of the level of public support. A BJP win in Karnataka will weaken these secessionist forces who are trying to portray the saffron party as just North Indian party. Moreover a win in Karnataka will have domino effect on other South Indian states especially on Telugu States which will go for elections in mid 2019.

To fail the ‘divide Hindu’ strategy

It’s no secret that one of the many main factors for historic win of Narendra Modi in 2014 and the subsequent winning juggernaut of BJP is Hindu consolidation. Congress and other opposition parties like TMC or SP have realized the importance of not ignoring Hindus. This explains Rahul Gandhi’s temple run during Gujarat elections and Mamata’s Ram navami celebrations in Bengal. But CM Siddharamaiah has taken the divide Hindus strategy to a new level by propping up demand for separate religion to Lingayats who are king makers, particularly in northern Karnataka. A Congress win with this strategy will embolden opposition to implement it in every next election and a BJP win will disincentivize all political parties who have plans to implement this strategy. Thus a BJP win in Karnataka is crucial to take forward Hindu consolidation which is important for achieving Hindu Renaissance.

Tipu, Mutts and a message

Without heeding to the concerns of Hindus of Coorg and Malabar, the Congress government has celebrated a Jihadi Tipu who massacred thousands who refused to convert to Islam. Hailing him as a freedom fighter and celebrating his birthday is worst kind of appeasement politics. A win to BJP in this elections will not just stop such appeasement politics but also send a message to every political party that they cannot get away with celebrating the people who oppressed Hindus. Also the Karnataka government has made many attempts to bring Hindu monasteries under its muzrai (temple administration) department. Many Hindu saints have expressed their concerns about it. So a defeat to Congress will be a signal to all ‘dont mess up with our gurus’.

One State, many worlds but nation first

Karnataka is truly a state with many worlds. It’s a replica of India. The diversity and inclusiveness of Kannada culture are under threat due to excessive stress on Kannada pride and some actions of Congress government like demand for separate state flag. A congress win will not just wreck havoc with the inclusive culture of Karnataka but also incentivizes political parties to invoke regionalism to win elections thus jeopardizing the hard process of national integration.

Thus Saffronizing Karnataka, that is a BJP win is important on many fronts from national integration to Hindu consolidation. But to see whether voters of Karnataka are intelligent enough to keep long term interests of the nation above freebies like cheap meals et cetera we need to wait till May 15.

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