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HomePoliticsPoliticising the Army: An effort to attract liberal voters?

Politicising the Army: An effort to attract liberal voters?

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The recent times have witnessed disrespectful and baseless comparisons, disgusting allegations and abuses hurled at the Indian Army, Chief Of Army Staff and Major Gogoi (an Indian Army officer). We saw the man of iron, like a true soldier stands up to his army of courageous, smart and strong soldiers who serve their nation!

From Major Gogoi being disrespected, to Army Chief being accused. From the gang of liberals complaining about the commendation medal given to Major, to the Congressmen hurling abuses at the COAS. From Mr. Partha Chatterjee comparing Gen. Bipin Rawat to Gen. Dyer, to Brinda Karat justifying Sandeep Dikshit calling the Gen. a street thug. From UNITY in diversity, to DIVERSITY in diversity!

It all started when the opposition realized that there’s no coming back to power! It all started when will for winning the elections overpowered the will for welfare of the citizens. It all started when, firstly religion and later almost everything was ‘politicized’!

A year or two back, Twitter meant, people, photos, jokes, chats etc. Today it’s filled with useless rants, illogical reasoning, anti-nationalist sentiments, lame excuses and disgusting accusations. More importantly, it’s obvious that the credit goes to the “herd of sheep” mentality of followers of political parties and varied retarded ideologies.
Where have we gone wrong as a nation? Where have we gone wrong as a citizen? Where have we gone wrong as “INDIANS”?

The Indian Army as we see, is the nation’s army, the citizen’s army. Mind you. Not BJP’s, not Congress’ neither AAP’s. It all started off with Arvind Kejriwal! The common man initiated it when he demanded proof of surgical strikes just to hit back and oppose the BJP govt. Little did he realize he had unleashed a disgusting mindset wherein anyone and everyone could question and accuse the Indian Army; wherein Indians would speak against their army; wherein Indians stand divided, not as in history for their various rich culture and heritage, but for the political differences. Arvind Kejriwal, the common man, made it seem like the army was BJP’s asset. Now everyone thinks similarly.

Arvind Kejriwal’s baseless question was backed by Sanjay Nirupam of Congress, Sitaram Yechuri of CPIM, Kapil Sibal, Rahul Gandhi and so many more. But here the amazing part is that surgical strikes have happened across the LoC for about 4 times. Let’s briefly look at these:

2008: Avenging the beheading of a soldier by Pakistan’s BAT in Kel sector. In army’s retaliation, 8 Pakistani soldiers were killed.
2011: Operation Ginger: Retaliation to the sudden attack on army post in Kupwara. 13 Pakistani soldiers were killed.
2013: Operation Badla: Avenging the beheading of Lance Naik Hemraj by Pakistan’s BAT. In retaliation 3 Pakistan army posts were destroyed and more than 6 soldiers and terrorists killed.
And finally as we know, in 2016, another one which was held to avenge the Uri Attack by Pakistan’s forces.

Until 2016 no one, asked for proofs for the army’s attacks and how it affected the enemy. Probably because AAP wasn’t in existence back then?

Next is the Kashmir issue. It is not new or as some people criticize, it is not since the Modi government. Since July 1988, Kashmir has witnessed the rise of strikes and attacks against the Indian government. This was a result of Farooq Abdullah, after the death of his dad Sheikh Abdullah (who very much supported the idea of India), decided to join hands with the ruling party Congress to win the election. So he did, but he was accused of rigging it and hence started the clashes. In the following years, Pakistan sponsored cross border infiltration and insurgency situation arised. Hizbul Mujahideen and Lashkar E Taibah came into Kashmir. While Hizbul is still in prominence, LeT influence seems to have narrowed down in the valley, while Jaish E Mohammad is said to be operating still.

Since 2008 when over 500,000 people gathered to stand against the construction of temporary temples for Hindu pilgrims and 2010 when Indian army was accused of a staged encounter, youth have been actively involved in the unrest in Kashmir. Due to the increased Islamic radicalization and funds, recruits and training from across the border, anti-Indian sentiments are at a peak high. The so called misinformed aka brainwashed Kashmiri youths (definitely there are exemptions) have now made it their daily chore to pelt stones at the army, to raise Azaadi (aka support Pak/terror) slogans and take a stand against India and the Indian army.

Again, here comes the sad part, while their outrage is due to brainwashed sentiments and external influence, some highly educated people sitting in the comfort of their home, within the borders of India, have forgotten the fact that it is the army that gives them their so called privacy, freedom of speech (you may ask how: if soldiers weren’t on the borders, if continuous infiltration took place, if internal clashes happened on a daily basis, what happens? People get killed, what is the use of freedom of speech when you aren’t alive), and so much more!

Now here came a major applauding action by Major Gogoi.

It all started when the video of this guy tied to the front of a jeep went viral. At the time truth about the situation not known, most asked for the truth, half guessed the situation while Rana Bibi, oops Rana Ayyub, Barkha Dutt, Owaisi, Farooq, Omar were all first in taking advantage of the video (“Yet another chance to criticize the army! Why would I leave that!”).

When the truth came out, we realized that an officer in a stiff situation, handled it with such smartness without actually causing any casualties to both the army or the civilians. (But hey, we don’t want the good part, it’s a democracy, we have the right to criticize. Right?) People bashed Maj. Gogoi over and over, for an intelligent move of his. Then came the major twist.

Chief of Army Staff General Bipin Rawat, decided to award Major Gogoi an Army Chief’s Commendation medal to applaud his bravery and sensibility shown in the situation whose consequences could’ve been worse if weapons were used or someone was shot at!

Here comes the Liberal Brigade. Here started the “Minute to Fame” moment for many politicians, so called journalists, anchors and historians. Initiated by the Twitter liberal gang mentioned earlier, this grew overly political day by day.

Criticism for awarding Major Gogoi poured in from all over the country. Army veterans including H.S. Panag, Col. Anil Kaul etc blurted out against the Army Chief stating that the action insults the morale of the Indian Army. PDP called it a “gross violation of human rights” while Hindustan Times stated that he is “talking like a politician”.

Prakash Karat blamed the chief for letting down the professional standards of the Indian Army. Did you know? CPM has always supported the separatist leaders in the valley. Last September CPM leaders Sitaram Yechury and some others went to meet Gheelani at his house but were left humiliated when Gheelani refused to meet them. Yet, the party goes all bongers for the separatist ideologies.

India Today proudly named their article “General Bipin Rawat’s chemistry with controversies” while Indian Express blamed his “silly hat” for his “silly behaviour”. Prakash Karat said that the army is suppressing the rights of people who are politically protesting! What he didn’t say here is, they are protesting against the country that gives them the right to protest. So basically Prakash is yet another China fed mor-on who regrets not being able to serve his country China!

But Gen. Bipin Rawat himself cleared the confusions when he said that the comments by people on his statements that have been misinterpreted doesn’t affect him anyhow. He also recently stated that the human shield incident was legit during that situation but shouldn’t be used an a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) as the army respects human  rights. Amidst all the hatred, true countrymen took pride in saying that Army Chief General Bipin Rawat is an inspiration and the country supports determined people like him. These, dear readers, these are the people, you, me and every Indian should learn from!

That was almost settling down that the next stood in line with a much more abusive comment- A Sadak Ka Gunda was what Mr Sandeep Dikshit ex Parliament MLA of Congress was seen saying when asked about the aggressive comments of Pakistan Chief Gen. Qamar Bajwa. Though Rahul Gandhi himself made clear that this was not expected and even though many BJP members talked against the issue, no further action was taken in this regard.

In between all these going on there was the member of the ruling party of Kerala Mr Balakrishnan who in a speech against BJP brought up the army and stated that “Indian Army…” You might very well know what he stated. It is indeed disgusting, that I don’t feel like even typing it here. That would demean my respect and admiration for the army. It’s true that the citizens should fear the army. It’s the lack of that fear that has led to this disgusting outrage which many are ashamed of and many are proud of.

Dear Liberals, you question a man who dedicated his entire life to that nation, you disrespect a man who in spite of such hatred from the citizens he works for, still serves the countrymen. He, a man, in a country of 2.52 Billion people made it to this prestigious post last year, you question him about how well he knows his job? Let’s be straight here, you don’t have the “aukat” to question this man. Period.

To me, as a defense aspirant and a citizen of India, being a soldier and serving the country, is above all freaking job perks, money and comfort. To quote from the recent movie Commando 2- “Jo maza desh ki seva karne main hain na! Wo kisi aur kaam main bilkul nahi hain!” And the word “Desh” here refers to you unfortunately! They work day and night to support you and all you return is “Gaddari”?

When you speak against them, imagine yourself in their shoes. You liberals, self-obsessed retards would just leave the job once and for all  and resort to the comforts of your air conditioned room if you faced such backstabbing behaviour. But they? Despite the constant hatred and stupid abuses, they choose to serve you. We have seen their relentless service during the Uttarakhand and Chennai disasters. You think rescuing those stranded would have been possible without them?

Let’s be clear, if soldiers for once thought like the so called politicians, journalists or historians, we’ll have thousands dying everyday! The situation we are looking at today could be a threat to the country’s unity tomorrow.
Recently as Major Surendra Poonia and Major Gaurav Arya spoke in several debates,

“Dear politicians, you have problems with Modi and the government, deal it with him and the government, don’t pull in the armed forces, for; they represent and work for the country as a whole, not one person, party, religion or community”

So dear countrymen, INTROSPECT! By disrespecting them, what do you earn? By using the freedom of speech against the country that has given you the freedom of speech, what do you earn?

We never thank the oxygen that helps us survive everyday, do we? But if they were to disappear for even 10 minutes, we very well know the consequences! So thank those who don’t the olive greens, maroon berets carrying the heavy backpacks guarding the borders and within.

And lastly: “Don’t ever ask a soldier why he chose to be one! Ask yourself why you didn’t!

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