Rajkot. A local Dalit BJP worker, Babu bhai Gokul bhai Paresha, from Rajkot was beaten mercilessly by local Muslim goons. The incident took place on 13 October, Tuesday, behind the old collector office in Santoshinagar locality of the city. Babu bhai Paresha (60), was attacked by Kasam Manek and his sons Irfan and Mangali along with two other goons.
Babu bhai when returning home on his bike in the evening, was first hit by goons’ car followed by his kidnapping. After kidnapping, attackers brought Babu bhai to a deserted riverbed where they hit him with a pipe and stabbed him cruelly. The goons then threw Babu bhai near his house. Babu bhai’s son Shailesh Paresha took him to a nearby hospital where the doctors said that the attack had left multiple fractures and severe injuries, leading to serious medical conditions.
This triggered anger in the entire Dalit community, who had been at the receiving end of terror by these gangsters for long. Following the incident, Rajkot BJP chief Kamlesh Mirani and the entire Dalit community had rushed to the hospital and lodged a complaint to a local police station. Sensing the sensitivity of the incident, within no time, DCP and Crime Branch officers rushed to the hospital.
As per a local news agency, police found after the interrogation that the gangsters were cautioned by Babu bhai a few days back when they were eve-teasing a local girl. To take revenge, the gangsters assaulted Babu bhai on Tuesday.
It was also found that nuisance by these gangsters had become too tough for the locals to tolerate. Time and again these goons engaged into some or the other kind of crimes and pervert actions like eve-teasing and stalking girls, and harassing Dalits.
As per latest report, within a few hours of the incident, four out of the five culprits – Irfan, Mustaq Malani, Zahid and Moin Satar – have been caught by the police.