Hungary, a central European country got united with EU in 2004 and is in the Schengen zone since 2007. Hungary, being a part of visa-free travel zone attracts millions of migrants coming from the Middle East, Kosovo, Albania and Africa though the Balkan region.
Hungary has the history of defending itself for centuries from the Islamic horde especially the Turk. In line with its history, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has pledged to keep all illegal Muslim immigrants out of Hungary. In order to stem the flow of illegal Muslim Immigrants, Hungary has erected a gargantuan 13-foot razor-wire border fence along its southern border with Serbia.
This 173 km fence along with heavy duty patrolling cut off one of the biggest entry points for illegal freeloaders into the European Union. Nevertheless, a steady stream of asylum seekers continued to enter Hungary from different route, i.e. from Croatia. Now, they have begun erecting a fence along its border with Croatia.
Hungary’s hostility towards immigrants and its act of constructing fences was strongly condemned by U.N. U.N excoriated the fence by calling it as “Iron Curtain”, a famous phrase once used by Winston Churchill to condemn the Soviet Union’s policies in Europe.
Hungary’s resoluteness in weeding out illegal immigrants is highly exhortatory. This might set an example for its neighboring countries. It might also set off a chain reaction of building fences to secure their borders and minimize the economic, cultural, political and societal impact of allowing this scourge across their borders. EU countries will realize the importance of stopping illegal immigration sooner or later. It just takes one to light the fire and spark a global trend.
For instance, Norway has fortified its arctic Russian borders with 200m long, 11 feet high steel fence to snuff out the influx of thousands of refugees. Slovenia is starting to seal its Schengen borders of EU. The other three of Visegrad Four(V4)- Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia also need to go through a major swamp draining. It’s not just the European countries that are building fences; even Saudi Arabia is building border fences to stop illegal immigration. So far, building fences has proven to be an effective means to keep illegal immigrants at bay.
According to Hungary’s foreign minister, Peter Szijjártó, as many as 35 million migrants’ exodus might flood and destabilize European countries as a result of Angela Merkel’s ‘open door policy’. 66,000 Muslim illegals tried to infiltrate into the EU via Hungary’s border with Serbia in the first half of 2015. Hungary has been barraged with 120,000 illegal Muslim immigrants in 2015, triple the number in 2014. There has been a fulminant influx of Kosovars along its southern Serbian border. The number of Kosovars asylum seekers has outnumbered the Syrian asylum seekers in the first quarter of 2015. Apart from Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis are trying to enter Hungary via Serbia. The question that remains unanswered is – Why don’t they ever try to get into a Muslim country like Turkey?
According to the EU- Turkey refugee pact, Turkey is asked to absorb millions of Syrian refugees flooding EU. EU is counting on this accord to curb the influx of migrants coming from Middle-East or Asia. This deal is not good enough to contain this mass immigration. The freeloaders who have sneaked into Europe are not for asylum, but are looking for citizenship, handouts, freebies etc . This phenomenon will push nations to bankruptcy.
Hungary, through its tough stand seems to have violated asylum rules also known as the Dublin Regulation which was first drafted in the early 1990s. The regulation mandates an EU country to process migrant’s claim in the EU country they first set foot on. Violating the Dublin Regulation will have a damaging effect on its neighboring countries. It puts pressure on neighboring countries to absorb waves of pouring refuges. Austria, for instance has ceased to process asylum requests so that its neighbors are forced to take in more refugees.
Western Europe’s ‘willkommenskultur’ and multiculturalism have been destroying and degrading thousands of years of preserved European values and culture. Eastern European countries need to wake up to this reality. Hungary, Poland, Croatia, Slovenia, the Czechs, the Slovaks etc. are not in favor of taking illegal Muslim immigrants in. These countries reeling from the surge of Muslim freeloaders have to slam shut their borders. The Muslim freeloaders who are waiting to reach the welfare meccas of Germany through eastern European countries need to be bounced back.
Will ricocheting immigrants among themselves from border to border resolve this exigency? All of these eastern European countries need to adopt an unified approach against this invasion. They should cooperate among themselves to force out this massive population shift at its Turkish source. Once this happens, Hungary and other eastern European countries will be able to focus on growth and development.
The Hungarians are well aware of a refugee settlement pact. The current refugee crisis that they are experiencing is nowhere close to the pact and is a sort of invasion on their land.