Saturday, July 27, 2024
17 Articles by

Bhimashankar Sanga

Elearning Evangelist, Occasional Writer & Full-Time Coach, Obsessive-Compulsive Thinker, Unapologetically Idealistic, Infoholic, Sybaritic.

The biggest refugee crisis in history has just started

Even if the war ends, insurgents will exploit security vacuums in their efforts to resurge.

News outlet like Good News Today may be a successful recipe to broaden the field of television news

News outlet like Good News Today may be a successful recipe to broaden the field of television news

2% land transport tax for crumbling road infrastructure is an outright loot

Government gleans a colossal amount per year from road tax but does not ring-fence the same for road repair. But why does BBMP not utilising them on road repair to solve major issue related to traffic?

Data sharing is here to stay and for long

There may never be an end to data theft and data leak, not until there is a massive data breach involving people’s private data, that the majority of people finally wake up and decide enough is enough.

Will Jack Ma reappear?

Jack Ma got a little too big for his britches when he tried to create a private unregulated banking system.

Immunity passports: An idea that needs to be carefully examined

If a vaccine passport gains momentum, it could be a momentous reset for the beleaguered airline and tourism industry, assuming travelers will take to the skies again in large numbers.

Which is more dangerous – Coronavirus or Communal virus?

A history of communal riots has taught little to revive comatose media which proliferates venomous rhetorics, polarizing and inflammatory agendas.

Hong Kong protests – A David’s slingshot against monstrous Goliath

Passing the ‘extradition bill’ which has massive implications, without even holding a referendum was just begging for a complete loss of confidence in the Hong Kong government's ability to protect their citizen's interests.

Maharashtra pushes for buyback of plastic milk packets

According to a garbage audit in Delhi, 36 percent of the total branded plastics collected in a sample of mixed garbage is just "low-recyclable value cups and tetra packs" of Mother Dairy, Amul, etc. brands. A simple buyback scheme would help to great extent.

US-Iran Conflict – Reminiscent of the specter of Iraq war

Is US marching towards a war against Iran, an another oil producing country?

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