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HomeReportsDemonetisation - why you should support PM Modi, and why people are happy

Demonetisation – why you should support PM Modi, and why people are happy

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Rachit Tiwari
Rachit Tiwari
Opinions on everything. Cricket lover. Aspiring travel writer. Researcher. Curious. Cynical

Twitter user @a_muglikar, commonly known as the elder Muglikar, as he is the elder brother of Ashutosh Muglikar (@muglikar_), has set out some fantastic observations on the recent Demonetisation move by the Govt of India in two twitter threads. I am reproducing the same below in essay form, with due permission of the elder Muglikar, so that this can be shared widely with people beyond Twitter, because if definitely articulates what a vast majority of Indians are feeling / saying and not whats being shown by the Mainstream Media.

Twitter Thread 1 – 10th Nov 2016

A ‘hard reset’ has been pressed into action. Only possible way to clean up some sectors like real estate & other cash only ‘mafia’ sectors:

  1. Did Modi make powerful enemies? No. No new enemies.
  2. No new enemies? Old ones only. Same folks jolted
  3. What to expect now? Chaos? .Yes. Not anarchy. But chest-beating of the ‘Intolerant’ nature.
  4. Will this reset work? Yes. Massive earthquake has hit black money mkt
  5. Will this mean no more black money? No. Indians are Jugaad kings. They’ll find new means to launder monies.
  6. Why this reset then? To eliminate existing black money & to put a fear that such unpredictable hard resets can happen anytime. Disincentives to hoarders.
  7. The biggies escaped. What’s the use? The Kings/Queens may have survived. But their underling armies/systems are wiped off for now.
  8. What does this mean for the govt now? When your nation’s enemies are dealt such a decisive blow (though not fatal), one gets TIME……Time to bring more hard measures while simultaneously fortifying nation-building efforts.
  9. What should an honest layman do now?..Enjoy this moment. Then focus on their work. Someone at the top is fighting the good fight. They should contribute by being their BEST..! Thank you @narendramodi @PMOIndia. Jai Hind

 Twitter Thread 2 – 12th Nov 2016

Continuation of this (above) thread below.

I stood in line at an ATM today for about 35-40mins. EVERY SINGLE PERSON in line was all praise for Modi. ALL of them said, ye temporary dard hai. ek-do din mein sab routine ho jaega banks ka.

I was wondering why. Why are so many people so happy? Almost an epiphany. I realised that it’s about Honour & Honesty. For too long, ppl kept losing faith in ..the system and even if they wanted to be honest, the system never rewarded that behaviour. This #SurgicalStrikeonBlackMoney has rekindled hope. Hope that there is someone in this system who can ‘reset’ it. Reset it to a point where Bad Karma of corrupt folks is punished… All the people who are queuing up in banks & ATM’s, well, their years of raging at the system has finally turned to JOY.

Joy..! Such a simple emotion to have. People move mountains for hope. Modi has given the Honest Hardworker not just hope, but joy. Imagine…. Imagine what that does to you. If you’ve played the honest game, then this momentous occasion is for YOU. Feel it. It is Transformational

I spent my time in the line spreading that joy. Everyone in that line will go back home smiling. For once, Honesty is generously rewarded.

Remember the man who is making this possible. Support him wholeheartedly. Modi has taken a bet on me, you, our people, our honesty.

Keep the faith. Be your personal BEST. I’ll repeat. Someone at the top is fighting the good fight. I’ll do my bit..!

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Rachit Tiwari
Rachit Tiwari
Opinions on everything. Cricket lover. Aspiring travel writer. Researcher. Curious. Cynical
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