Saturday, July 27, 2024



What freedom is?

Why does a society feels that its progress lies in downfall of others. Why People and society feels that progress for another will hinder their own progress?

Gift of higher birth

It is said, after several centuries of documenting living things, scientists have only managed to document 14% of living species.

Real meaning of success

There is a big difference between growth, progress and success.

आत्मकल्याण ही जीवन का लक्ष्य

कौन अपना कौन पराया?

It was never a DILEMMA!

Social media is a ubiquitous reality of our lives. This write-up intends to see it impact in light of the evolution of artificial intelligence.

Youth: Reflection of universe

A self-help book for the betterment of today's youth!

The identity conundrum

The real answers to the questions of self-identity do not have a fixed form. The truth is to shape the collective experience life offers into a single relevant and poignant idea best reflective of its innate soul.

“Secular Coffee”: Life of a Tea Enthusiast

Satire: We live in the world of GENERALIZATION. This generalization is against liberal values, hence will end the world!

Irrfan a journey

Not only he was a terrific actor he was also a wonderful person in real life.

गमला कट्टरवाद का!

यदि किसी अवधारणा में ज़्यादा अतिवादिता हैं तो क्या वोह उस धारणना की विफ़लता नहीं है? कम से कम संचार की विफ़लता तो मान ही सकते है।

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