Sunday, September 8, 2024


Liberals of the west

India’s COVID crisis: Opportunity for Rana Ayyub to spew venom against Modi, Time provides the platform

It's astonishing that how international publications allow their platforms to be used, without any iota of sanctity and neutrality, and let her run amok with her blatant Anti-Modism.

Web 3.0 and end of American century

The end will come due to mental demented-ness the cultural wokes in new American generation display, and the mainstreaming of that by their society.

The voter shall always have the last word-MSM & pollsters learn Their lessons

MSM and psephologists would do well to be humbled by this experience, lest they are rudely humbled, again and again, by the little man or woman with the little vote.

What INDIA can learn from 2020 US Presidential Election

While Trump is referred to as a racist, Modi is referred to as a fascist from a small portion of the Indian population calling themselves as leftists/liberals.

Absolute ideas and thoughts in western societies

Armin and many other neo atheists in the western societies tend to call themselves atheists but they are still trapped under Abhramic ideology because they behave in the same way a religious person in Abhramic countries would behave only difference is that their gods have changed, it can be anything they say they believe in logic, science, and Humankind.

Why I want Wikipedia to refund my donation

For Delhi riots wikipedia squarely blames Hindus while kingpin "Tahir Hussain" is a Muslim while on the contrary for Bangalore riots they don't want to name the religion of the rioters, while the religion of rioters is very much evident, therefore, I neither want to give shape, purpose and momentum to such communal and arrogant organisation nor I want them to fit in my life until and unless they mend their ways hence I want my money back.

Liberals expose their extreme intolerance

The Liberals have been shown up for what they are. ‘The hypocritical bunch’, as historian Niall Ferguson called them once. It is strange that they cannot stand the heat in their kitchens.

वामपंथियों का दोहरा चरित्र और अमेरिकी हिंसा

एंटीका फासिस्ट सरकारों के खिलाफ शांतिपूर्वक विरोध प्रदर्शन करता है और हास्यास्पद बात यह है की एंटीफा एक रेडिकल वामपंथी समूह है। इस बात से यह तो अंदाजा हो ही जाता है की यह कितना शांतिपूर्वक प्रदर्शन करता है। जहां-जहां पर वामपंथी शांतिपूर्वक प्रदर्शन का ढोंग करते हैं वहां पर हिंसा अपने चरम स्थिति पर होती है।

USCIRF report : Exposing the hypocrisy

India need not take in lessons in secularism and religious freedom from a country whose official motto is “In God, We Trust”, which has never elected a non-Christian Head of State till now and where hate crimes are all too common.

What the Right needs to learn from the Left!

From Bernie Sanders calling it an attack against the Muslim community in the country to India's very own media houses calling it a state-sponsored 'Pogrom', the left has been able to put forward their narrative and most importantly, promote it.

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