Liberals Mocking Hindu Gods
वटवृक्ष कथा और प्राइम का वेबसिरीज ‘पाताल लोक’
आमेजन प्राइम पर हाल में ही एक वेब सिरीज रिलीज़ हुआ है ‘पाताल लोक’। इस वेब सिरीज़ में एक कुतिया का नाम ‘सावित्री’ रखा गया है।
The “Liberal World” is a scam and we all have been tricked
The flag-bearers of liberalism, those suffering from the "holier than thou" syndrome strive to convince us that they are minority-friendly, but are they?
अश्वमेध यज्ञ और फैली भ्रांतियाँ
वर्तमान में स्वघोषित बुद्धिजीवी हिंदुत्व की आलोचना कर स्वयं को गौरवान्वित महसूस करते हैं। धर्मग्रन्थों को बिना समझे उनमें लिखी बातों का मनमाना अर्थ निकलकर दुष्प्रचार करना इन तथाकथित बुद्धिजीवियों का शौक बन गया है।
How did Hindutva become dangerous?
They're are afraid because they could successfully wipe out all other civilisations and cultures without any problem but Hindutva survived the onslaught of torture, rapes and even mass murders for a thousand years
Ram Janmabhoomi beyond law and politics
We should remember that the destruction of Ram Mandir was more than just material damage to a property. It was destruction of cultural heritage and a symbol of subjugation.
My Two-cents on the so-called ‘Women’s discrimination’ in Sabarimala
It is very sad to see that when there are many real and hurtful incidents happening against women in various parts of India, the Sabarimala women petitioners have managed to find time, money and other resources to indulge in a court case where not a single woman is getting hurt.
क्या हमारी विविधता ही आज हम पर लांछन है?
आए दिन हिंदू मान्यताओं की ना सिर्फ़ मज़ाक उड़ाई जाती हैं बल्कि उनको पिछड़ा और नीचतम कह के उनकी इज़्ज़त भी उतरी जाती हैं: और इन सब में सुप्रीम कोर्ट भी सहभागी बन रही है
Communism is against Indian Ethos
DeepakB -
The communists have been trying to peel away the Indian way of life, looking for similarities between the class struggles in Europe and conditions in India to fit their narrative and somehow gain legitimacy to survive.
So what happens next at Sabarimala
Now that the SC has ordered something that is against the temple commandment, will temple perform Punyaham?