Saturday, July 27, 2024


Liberals against revoking article 370


The story of Indian ‘liberals’ has mostly been one of loud words and selective actions to suit their own narrative. They act as self-appointed messiahs but have themselves become the type of dogmatic cult that they professed they wanted to fight against. It’s apt that we titled this article “ill liberals” because they have clearly been ill for a long time, suffering from the megalomaniacal belief that they are the sole custodian of truth and the gatekeepers of morality and justice stifling every opposing view.

From the pen of a liberal

I with my friends also very politely warned government If they will not take CAA back we will destroy this country and divide this in to small pieces.

Western Right is not Indian Right

Search on internet and see Indian conservatives retweeting and lapping up words of people like Katie Hopkins and whoever says anything against liberals. They may seem supporting our cause only if our cause was going after western liberals and not defending idea of India.

Right to life vs right to liberties

The entire gamut with plethora of gun totting, media cynics and politico religious self-styled heritors of J&K have only succeeded in creating a sense of insecurity and fear of life amongst the common masses of J&K.

Liberal blindspot: The Log Kya Kahenge syndrome of international media on Kashmir issue

International media’s interest and influence on Kashmir issue is overstated and is equivalent to “Log Kya Khaenge”.

कांग्रेस और अनुच्छेद 370

कॉंग्रेस की चिंता आर्टिकल 370 को ले कर

5 Things we need to know about Kashmir

It is a historic move that relegates the past 70 years of atrocious leadership to the dustbins of history where it belongs.

Neither fish nor troubled water for the dynast of Congress and Tukde Tukde gangs

When the entire international community supports and applauds PM Modi for scraping article 370, the family members of the dynast and other tukde tukde gangs are opposing to the decision of PM Modi to bring J&K under the ethos of one India.

Indians ready to flood Kashmir with love

Modi 2.0 can rest assured that India is with it. India is ready to move. We are ready to flood Kashmir with our love.

वामियों का देशविरोधी होने का सुबूत

2014 के बाद आजतक यही पूछते आ रहे थे कि मोदी जी तीन तलाक कब हटा रहे हो? मोदी जी 370 कब हटा रहे हो? अब जब दोनों काम हो गए तो टॉयलेट में मुंह डाल के फ्लश चला लिया है।

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