Saturday, July 27, 2024


Left liberals

Privileged and the prey

Privilege is denying Hindu genocide by Mughal and British rulers. Privilege is giving historical context to their tyranny. Privilege is lamenting this is not the India you knew over nationalist efforts to rebuild the India we once were.

Certain traumas are beyond our imagination: Islamic practice of female genital mutilation is one of them!

In 2016, Dr Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin came out in support of continuing Female Genital Mutilation within his community and upheld the practice as something that is beneficial for the body and soul.

Irrational liberals: How Brahmins who were being continuously persecuted during medieval centuries could have persecuted Dalits in Mughal/British times ?

Islamic rulers enjoyed their stay in India using our capacity of wealth creation but kept on inflicting deep wounds in the structure of our prosperous and open society by converting it into patently hierarchical and strictly patriarchal structures to suit their habit, tradition and culture of religious expansionism. Dalits came into being during this period historically. Social scientists have until now not been allowed by the liberal-historians to do research on the emergence of Dalit and mahadalit communities during a period when actually Brahmins were being religiously persecuted continuously, were killed on a massive scale and were humiliated at the will of the medieval rulers.

Left, not so left

Historically the left- liberals or communists maintained aloofness form religion, but as there is always an Indian touch to everything this is not the case in India.

An open letter to India’s right wing!

Today, the historic mistakes are being rectified and the left and the people who have fallen into the trap and believe in their version of India are not able to tolerate that.

The left eco system across the world becoming more powerful, and that is what every country should be worried about

There is a nexus between corrupt in both private and public sector across the globe in almost all line of businesses operating in finance, land and media.

The red fascist’s psyche and the future

Red fascists are zealots who are going to call anyone a bigot, the moment they get cornered for their pretzel logic. They have the same, if not more biases which they accuse the right wingers of.

Professor Ram Guha is lying. Again!

Left Liberals can take to lying like water to fish, Important that we find it and nail them.

Then they ‘woke’ me up.. – a lucid satire

With the ideology war stronger than ever, the tide has turned hard on someone like us who sometimes bat for the system.

The Hindu privilege as a Joshi, on drugs

Who’s going to tell Rohan privileged Joshi that he is simply encouraging and practicing an ignorant behavior?

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