Saturday, July 27, 2024
12 Articles by


Making of the Hindu Rashtra

A Hindu Rashtra symbolizes the ideal Nation State with justice, peace and prosperity. It's the Indian concept of a model State which is the homeland of the Hindu civilization. This is akin to the rule of Bhagwan Ram.

Babarao Savarkar, a forgotten hero

The subsequent events in Indian history would prove that Ganesh Savarkar was right. He could not live to see the light of the day India would become independent. His brother Veer Savarkar continues to be vilified and attacked by the Congress party and its ecosystem. However the Savarkar family's legacy lives on and inspires many. Today, the top leaders of India are groomed by RSS, which had Babarao's blessings.

Sinister attempts to portray Hindutva as antisemitic

Their agenda behind making such a perception is twofold. One, is to bring in the bogus theory of India being a dictatorship and the next, is to show Hinduism as an oppressor which has clashes with a global minority. The propaganda behind emphasising Modi's vegetarian diet with Hitler's is also a part of it. In a country like India, where vegetarianism is a diet habit of a significant number of people, it can be used to create a distorted perception about us.

Minnesota, the latest victim of a ‘coup experiment’

there are few sections of our population ready to riot and run amok at the drop of a hat. Their reasons for such a mindset, could be anything.

Alternate reality of those who castigate ‘Bhakts’

They are some of those who live in the 'alternate reality' where they 'believe' Nehru and Mughals are responsible for anything good that happened in India. Simple because Nehru was supposed to be some 'secular' leader and the Mughals, of course god sent rulers.

Why leftists hesitate to appropriate Veer Savarkar

It was the Congress which continued to attack Savarkar the most, years after his death. They feared that once Indians got to know Savarkar fully, Nehru and the Congress would be washed away. The fear of Indian Independence movement being democratised would mean the end of Nehru dynasty's divine right to rule. Savarkar's life would open a can of worms for them since it would include his meeting with freedom fighters like Rash Behari Bose, Madanlal Dhingra etc. Many such freedom fighters were not given a deserving position in the History written by Marxists.

Chandrababu Naidu at year 1 of Modi 2.0

The TDP leader who was discussing post poll strategies with the high command of INC few days before the 2019 results, was missing from a conference organized by Sonia Gandhi, recently.

The pseudo-liberals’ hallucination about India being bullied

How is it sensible to believe that few Indians tweeting something anti-Islamic can damage or undo the decades-old diplomatic ties which even the CAA or the abrogation of Article 370 could not?

Truth through a reverse image search – Satire

Satirical way to show an information propaganda which works very powerfully, even today.

The perpetual returns of Rahul Gandhi

Every time the Lutyens media tried to resurrect the image of Rahul Gandhi, it always fell flat precisely because he was never what they really showed.

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