Sunday, September 8, 2024


Left liberals glorifying Mughals

Dhritrashtra and Gandhari Hindus: A sneak peek at UPSC-bureaucratic jihad

UPSC website has a specimen copy of a test paper wherein a passage is beautifully crafted to whitewash the crimes of Islamic invaders, and blame all the plunder to native rulers, even they chose none other than the GREAT Prithviraj Chauhan to paint him as a barbarian.

Privileged and the prey

Privilege is denying Hindu genocide by Mughal and British rulers. Privilege is giving historical context to their tyranny. Privilege is lamenting this is not the India you knew over nationalist efforts to rebuild the India we once were.

The history of India – a story of distortion by marxists

By interpreting history only on the basis of economic monopoly can not eradicate the wrongdoings which were done based on religion.

Secularism or pseudo-secularism?

The terms 'Secularism' and 'Socialism' were imposed by then former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in the 42nd amendment to the constitution during 1975 Emergency.

The reality of Akbar that our history textbooks don’t teach!

Akbar had over 5,000 wives in his harems, and was regularly asked by his Sunni court officials to limit the number of his wives to 4, due to it being prescribed by the Quran. Miffed with the regular criticism of him violating the Quran, he founded the religion Din-e-illahi

The defining power

The death of Ajay Pandita, Lt Umar Fayaz and many more are essential chapters of history, don't let Thapars write it for you.

How history was altered by architects of out nation

A very few Keralites know about Mapplah Lahala where scores of tribals and commoners were massacred. Also, the history of how Pazhassi Raja defeated both British and Tipu is conviniently omitted from textbooks.

Normalizing the heinous: The TikTok menace’s new name is Faizal Siddiqi

Such statements don't come just like that. It shows not only the religious fundamentalism but also the barbarism that is taught to this community!

“Pride” of India: “Shame” of Bharat

After white masters, our brown masters ensured that the newly freed slave population is blind to their culture and adopts it's oppressors as their forefathers. ensuring that the local history is removed from history books.

How Maharana Pratap defeated Mughals: The untold History

This glorious tale of resilience, patriotism and victory is not told in our school text books, our public discourse has no place for Rajput victories.

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