Saturday, July 27, 2024


Left liberals glorifying Mughals

Muslim colonialism in India- A concealed topic

In this colonial narrative, we also unconsciously accept that about 550 years of foreign-Muslim rule in India was very benign, unifying, inclusive and pro-Hindus. Such acceptance is furthest from the truth.

Warped arguments of Dr Ram Puniyani: A Rejoinder

As a person of scientific temper, Ram Puniyani must know that the younger generation all over the world has access to a lot more information and tools to make a comparative assessment of all the Faiths and their Founders

Boldest pushback to radical Islam is coming from the most unexpected quarters: Saudi Arabia

However Saudi Arabia, under its ruling dispensation, took a conscious turn towards "Wahhabism" some time in the second half of the nineteenth century.

“A God who hates” and India

In the Islamist-Leftist friendship, Allah was irrelevant. Both the ideologies ruthlessly control body and mind of the people those have infected. The control mechanism is structured and asserted by designated classes, - Ulema or Party members.

Legacy of deceit: A menacing hegemony of ‘two-faced idealists’ in Indian intelligentsia and academia

Time has come to wake up, debunk and repudiate the deceitful portrayal of truth and liberate the Indian academia and intelligentsia from the stranglehold of these 'two-faced idealists' hegemony, otherwise, as someone rightly observed, our ignorance and silence will ensure the recurrence of history.

Who were the Mughal invaders that looted India?

India under the Mughals was one of the most miserable countries in the world. The previous Hindu rulers taxed the farmers just 16 per cent of the total produce, the Mughal tax rate was 30-50 per cent, plus some additional cesses.

क्या मनोज मुंतशिर की कविता बता रही है कौन है मुगलों का असली हमदर्द?

मनोज मुंतशिर जी की कविता की निगाहें तो शायद आतंकी मुगलों पर थी परंतु ना जाने क्यों निशाना तथाकथित सेक्युलर प्रजातियों पर लग गया।

The liberal trap: India’s Youth is their target

Wokeness in nutshell means getting derailed from practical life and creating fuss about sexuality and pronouns, defending Taliban but ridiculing Indian culture, defending Burqa and Hijab but attacking Hindu marriage rituals in name of smashing patriarchy, and so on.

The crisis of the Mongol narrative in India

To constantly set our humanity aside and claim that a Turkic-Mongol king was a poet or had courtiers of different religions ignores the victims absolutely, and is a rather horrifying narrative, taking the agency away from these dead sultans who have definitely claimed to affect their cruelty on the basis of their religion.

War of narratives in India and abroad

Fundamental changes should be planned and carried out in order to demolish the anti-India narrative. But if these do not happen in the next 5-6 years, it will come as a dead end for cultural unity and prevalent peace in India.

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