Saturday, July 27, 2024


hatred towards Narendra Modi

Pseudo heroes of hypocrisy – Real destroyers of democracy

There appears to be an agenda to malign image of India and destabilize the democratically elected government. They will take up one non-issue at a time and systematically organize fake protests.

Siddharth, India hasn’t changed. You have.

There is so much dishonesty in Siddharth claiming that he never used to be trolled but he has been viciously abused only since 2014. Sid may genuinely be deluding himself that the climate was awesome back then. But it barely was.

Arnab Goswami, article 370, triple talaq et al: What the youth has to learn

As a 24 year old I am convinced that for our country to grow and prosper, we need to learn from our history, protect, promote our heritage, celebrate and be proud the culture we belong to, believe in the civilization we come from and most importantly keep challenging the status quo which entails questioning wrong practices and have the gumption to change them.

Understanding Modiphobia

Modiphobia is something which has become a mainstream school of thought, at this point of time. It has acquired a status that has turned out to be worthy enough for a deep academic research.

Is it the time for Modi to feed the liberal sharks? 

Even if Modi stands and delivers straight punches, upper cuts and the like, MSM can go to town with Modi’s ‘discomfiture and embarassmennt’ before the world.

लेफ्ट लिबरल्स

प्यारे लेफ्ट लिबरल्स, तुम एक बात भूल गए, तुम न जाने कितने दशकों से एड़ी चोटी का जोर लगा रहे हो, लेकिन हमारी सभ्यता, संस्कृति, आदत, खान पान, शादी विवाह, परिवार, बच्चे, करवा चौथ, होली, दिवाली, रक्षाबंधन, भाई दूज, पोंगल, खिचड़ी, छठ, कावड़ यात्रा, अर्ध कुम्भ, महा कुम्भ, राम नवमी , शिवरात्रि, विजयदशमी, दुर्गा अष्टमी, चारों धाम, गंगा दशहरा, पांच कोसी परिक्रमा, लाल बाग़ के राजा की शान कछु नाही बदल पाए।

Ugly side of CAA protest in Shaheen Bagh, support Modi, save India

Human history has clearly shown that Adharma, Aneedhi, lies, hatred and negativity have never won nor had made the sponsor of all those evil...

The masters of SELECTIVE outrage, who maintain pin drop silence on other issues

Dissent is a part of democracy, destruction is not.

Elusive liberalism of enigmatic Indian liberals

It is their fight for political survival, especially given that their carefully erected impregnable fortress  built over long years of crafty and deceitful political discourse to monopolize the corridors of power, has crumbled over like flimsy mud wall.

Mr. Tharoor, you are wrong! You did farrago of xenophobia and infiltration

Here, prominent word-smith, Shashi Tharoor, did farrago of xenophobia and infiltration and it is necessary that he should learn about the difference between this two.

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