Friday, October 18, 2024


Fashion of abusing Hindu Culture

India’s forced identity crisis

From outside India appears to be a diverse country with multiculturalism at its maximum, but from within, we are hollow.

The importance of Kumbh Mela and how it is politicized

Let us try and realize the spiritual significance of the Kumbh Mela and work towards celebrating an ancient event of the massive scale in this secular world.

Rise of EV Ramasamy Naicker and the fall of Tamil Nadu

EV Ramasamy Naicker (EVR) is portrayed as ‘above God’ image by his so called disciples and the splinter political party that has established Dravidian dynasty and family rule in Tamil Nadu.

What is the opposition mixture banking up on for 2019?

The question is not why Mamata Banerjee is doing this, the question is how dare she support corruption so openly and in such a brazen manner and still expect to win elections.

Sabarimala and women’s rights

Do we need to change customs and traditions because they discriminate women, if they do not endanger or detrimental to the advancement of women?

Yoga & Meditation: Laughed at and tarnished in India; recognised and valued in rest of the world

All that being said, an important aspect of all these practices -- Yoga, Kalaripayattu, Ayurveda, Siddha etc. is their strong roots in vedanta and Hinduism.

Spreading Hinduphobia: On the rise in the western countries

Several article published by major media houses in the western countries are maligning Hindus and India. This is my reply to a ignorant writer

“You have lost a supporter” – An open letter to the #LGBQT+ community of India

Some of your recent movements show how deeply leftist propagandist voices have entered in your community which has made you hate Hinduism with a great intensity.

Twitter, Patriarchy and Brahmins- Projected villains of Indian intellectualism

Besides in their efforts to vilify, these twitter scholars have failed to take into account the regional variations.

United Hindus: The only way to end minority appeasement politics

Why political parties, try to appease Muslim community and how Hindu's basic rights are being neglected. Hindus, should think and unite.

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