Saturday, July 27, 2024
4 Articles by


Divisive politics- The beginning of the end

The diversity of India is always a beautiful idea but was never used to break India or Indians on any basis. The diversity was joyful. But then Britishers came and now leftist liberals.

The importance of Kumbh Mela and how it is politicized

Let us try and realize the spiritual significance of the Kumbh Mela and work towards celebrating an ancient event of the massive scale in this secular world.

Terror – Opposition’s last resort to defeat Modi?

They want the government to act and create a war situation right before India goes for elections in April or May 2019.

Sabarimala issue is not the first of its kind. Palani temple in Tamil Nadu faced a lot more but never gave up

The temple and the devotees withstood the attack for over 45 years and never gave up. More than 3 governments, hundreds of petitions, indirect attacks, and corruption could not shake the determination of the devotees.

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