Saturday, July 27, 2024



Why India is not a secular state

Indians are often reminded about the secularism. But, we need to understand the meaning of secularism then assess if India is really secular.

The house out of order

As politics dominates the bureaucracy, and reins in business, civil society and the media, we need governance that is free of the “criminal” virus. Capability is not sufficient.

The democratic orthodox

In order to save the democracy and its essence it's important to acknowledge the fact that for next four years we have to deal with the same government we like it or not.

I wasn’t born yesterday!

In an attempt to be head and shoulders above its opponents in reducing academic burden on students, the HRD ministry has announced the exclusion of topics like Nationalism, Secularism, and Democracy from the syllabus of political science.

Shyama Prasad Mukherjee ideological school vs leftist

We had this leader who gave his life for National Integrity and security, he always kept nation above everything.

Federalism: A case sui generis

Our constitution is a meticulously and magnificiently drafted vision document, which furthers the pluralist ideals with social solidarity, ensures pace of economic development with protection of downtrodden.

‘लोकतंत्र’ कट्टर मुस्लिमों तथाकथित अल्पसंख्यकों के लिए एक अवसर

हमारे देश के अल्पसंख्यक कट्टर धार्मिक समूह ने धर्मनिरपेक्ष शब्द का अपने फायदे के लिए हमेशा गलत इस्तेमाल किया।वह चाहे शाहीन बाग हो या बाबरी मस्जिद। उनके इस कृत्य में हमारे देश के तथाकथित इतिहासकार और वामपंथी समूह ने बराबर साथ दिया।

Coronavirus isn’t a threat to humanity; China is!

The champions of democracy are trying to make this world a China, where there can only be one voice, all other different voices, views and opinions would be suppressed denied or censored.

The slippery slope

Exploiting the rights guaranteed to them by virtue of India being a functional democracy - freedom of expression, right to protest - abusing them to actively undermine democracy itself.

क्या जेएनयू हिंसा छात्र संघों के राजनीतिक दलों से किसी भी तरह के साहचर्य को पूरी तरह से प्रतिबंधित करने का सही मौका नहीं...

क्या एक सभ्य लोकतंत्र को चलाने हेतु आवश्यक नागरिकों की नस्ल को पैदा करने और प्रशिक्षित करने के उद्देश्य में इस तरह के विरोध प्रदर्शन किसी तरह से उपयोगी हो पाएँगे? या ये अराजकता और तानाशाही को जन्म देंगे?

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