Sunday, April 28, 2024



The COVID-19 cases in India are about to surge and here’s what you need to know

Despite multiple efforts carried out by the Indian govet along with medicos and police, to contain the disease in the country; they are slightly on the losing side after the immature actions by certain parts of the society.

Leadership in the time of crisis

A nation needs to repose belief in its leader during the times of crisis.

कोरोना महामारी के समय सुरक्षित खानपान कैसे करें

कोरोनावायरस एक जूनोटिक रोग अर्थात प्राणियों में फैलने वाला रोग है। यह वनस्पतियों को प्रभावित नहीं करता। अतः फल एवं सब्ज़ियां कोरोनावायरस के विकास का समर्थन नहीं करते।

Immune boosters from grandma’s healing recipe for COVID 19, option or opportunity

The traditional healing stream must be positioned and promoted for health and general wellbeing or otherwise called paramedical purpose. Today what we need is paramedical support in large quantity.

विस्थापन: दर्द की कहानी

विरह के गीत कोरोना संकट के बाद फिर से गाये जायंगे फिर भी गाये जायेंगे क्यूंकि ये ऐसा रस है जो बिहार के कणों में सदियों से विराजित है, शायद तब से जब हम पहली बार गिरमिटिया कहे गए थे.

COVID-19 Pandemic- Limitations of 20th century solutions for a 21st century problem

A take on why the world of today, run by 20th century principles,has come out short when confronted with the Covid-19 pandemic, a 21st century problem.

India is sitting on Corona bomb

Time is ticking away! Government must act firm, right & fast

Cut the BS. Stay home. Shut up

All those who oppose everything done by the govt., must remember that dissent is the essence of democracy, but howling all bad, is no dissent.

Is the Govt doing enough for us or has it let us down in these challenging times?

It is high time we start focusing more on concentrating our resources towards building well-equipped hospitals at taluk and district levels rather than coming up with more ‘world-class’ hospitals in cities.

Mitigating risk of Coronavirus from food products

Food products may not spread Coronavirus. However, to minimise risk of getting infected with food/food packaging being exposed to this virus, food safety must be practiced.

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