The dynast has revealed recently and that is he is not only un-teachable but also so adamant and determined not to learn any decency and positive politics even from his repeated defeats.
Rahul Gandhi seriously lacks credibility and experience. Most of his bloopers just goes to show his inexperience in public life and his lack of interaction with people he wants to win over.
Who will be the first congressman to call out the emperor and telling his shiny suit that he thinks was the best, was nothing more than a birthday suit?
जहां राहुल गांधी की यूके आधारित बैकओप्स लिमिटेड कंपनी की कार्यशैली संदेह के घेरे में रही, वहीं दूसरी ओर भारत आधारित बैकओप्स सर्विस प्राइवेट लिमिटेड भी कई विवादास्पद प्रोजेक्ट्स का हिस्सा रही.
कांग्रेस पार्टी ने पिछले 70 सालों में न्यायपालिका पर अपनी ऐसी पकड़ बनाई है और इस संस्था को इतना शर्मशार किया है जिसका अंदाज़ा सिर्फ इसी बात से लगाया जा सकता है कि पिछले 5 सालों में मोदी सरकार किसी भी कांग्रेसी को तमाम सुबूतों के बाबजूद हवालात के अंदर नहीं डाल पायी है.
Considering the precedence of correlation between Google Trends and election results, we are looking at Modi forming government in 2019 with full majority.
Most of the institutions under the government of the dynast in the past had made several institutions to dance to its tune and that is how the famous phrase the CBI has earned called it is a ‘caged parrot’.
Rahul Gandhi turned out to be a little more selective both left and right for securing the just what the party’s political doctors suggested him to follow during this fresh time of parliamentary polls.