Friday, October 18, 2024


Congress and left liberals spreading rumors about CAA

The constitution gives us the right to protest but not the right to spread fake or false propagandas

People in a democracy have a right to protest but is it right to spread false propaganda to incite violence and sway the people against the popularly elected government in a country like India which is the world’s largest democracy?

हवा में बन्दूक लहराने वाला रामभक्त गोपाल, गोडसे. तो शाहरुख़, कसाब क्यों नहीं?

जब भी प्रधानमंत्री देशहित में कोई भी फैसला लेते हैं तो उसके बार में इतना घटिया तरीके से प्रचार होता हैं की लोगों में उस फैसले को लेकर भ्रम फ़ैल जाता हैं. इसका ताज़ा उदाहरण नागरिकता संशोधन कानून हैं

Is it the time for Modi to feed the liberal sharks? 

Even if Modi stands and delivers straight punches, upper cuts and the like, MSM can go to town with Modi’s ‘discomfiture and embarassmennt’ before the world.

दिल्ली दंगे- एक सुनियोजित हिन्दू नरसंहार और देश व सरकार को बदनाम करने का प्रयोग

सोचो, समझो, जागो, और प्रधानमंत्री मोदी के देशनिर्माण अभियान मे उनका सहयोग करो, जैसे और जिस जगह भी कर सकते हो। देश रहेगा तो हम रहेगें।

NRI youths celebrate Holi for humanity and unity

Let us whole heartedly welcome our brothers and sisters belonging to minority communities in our neighbouring countries who are persecuted to death in that hell!

Satyagraha in ISIS style

From poisonous speech of young comrades of JNU to Jihadis propagating violence under the garb of democracy, all this clearly indicates that they are fed up with this idea of India.

These hypocrites disregarding constitution and misguiding people are to blame for Delhi riots

Would things would have come to this brutal stage if the hypocritic lobby of opposition political parties, media and Bollywood have said truths to the protesters about the constitutionality of CAA and NRC?

The bleeding heart of a Dilli Wala

Ground Reports gathered from different cities on a personal level confirm the fact that Shaheen Bagh protests and the daily updates were being relayed across the country and Muslims across the country were made to believe that the CAA was totally Anti-Muslim and all of them would be forced to leave the country.

How secularism got ingrained in Bengali psyche and how it is exploited to disturb communal harmony in India for political gain

The opposition and left don’t or, perhaps, do realize that their cheap and dangerous politics instigating religious violence is creating a fissure between Hindus and Muslims and it will not easily heal.

Delhi violence is no longer a protest but sheer terrorism

Delhi is burning. Muslim mob have turned violent and have started to terrorize everyone who supports CAA.

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