Tuesday, October 1, 2024



What Hindus must realize in the era of soft-Hindutwa politics

Victory of true Hinduism and Hindutwa means the victory of India, its tradition, culture, spiritual essence, tolerance, unity in diversity, universal brotherhood etc. BJP promotes only such Hinduism or nationalism in India.

Is Prashant Kishore converting India to soft Hindutwa at subterranean level?

All those who abuses Hindus and engaged in raw minority appeasement politics such as congress party of the dynast, communist, RJD etc., were totally eliminated from Delhi politics.

Delhi: Was it worth the fight for BJP?

For BJP it is not a time rest on its laurels. They are not out of the grind yet.

Lessons from Gujarat to Delhi

The way out for BJP is to raise the stakes, on economy, on nationalism and on Hindutva.

NRC the need of the day.. implement or perish

NRC is the need of the day in present situation wherein lot of illegal migrants have entered the country and its time to a keep a check for this. NPR, census and maintenance of register is required to be done and upgraded regularly.

Congress party of the dynast, the real Emperor Nero in Indian politics

BJP although could not win Delhi but has proved that BJP is a force to reckon with in Delhi whereas people shall remember congress party only through the guest appearance the dynast or his mother or his sister in some kitty party in Delhi.

Why all the ‘King’s men could not put some sense in Rahul Gandhi

All the king’s men not only could not put humpty dumpty together again but also could not put some sense in dynast- Rahul Gandhi.

Why BJP shall be the main stream party forever in India

Unlike arrogance of elite class and ignorance of poor class, the middle class is always progressive and nationalist voice.

दिल्ली के खाली कारतूस

ज़ैसा की प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने कहा कि शाहीन बाग संयोग नहीं प्रयोग है। मैं कह्ता हूँ कि प्रयोग से पहले ये सोची समझी राजनीतिक बिसात भी है।

Ugly side of CAA protest in Shaheen Bagh, support Modi, save India

Human history has clearly shown that Adharma, Aneedhi, lies, hatred and negativity have never won nor had made the sponsor of all those evil...

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